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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

1108 Dynamite Hill

Video Essay Jeff Drew, born in 1951, is a lifelong resident of Birmingham, Alabama's North Smithfield neighborhood. In 2013, following the fiftieth anniversary commemoration of the Birmingham campaign of...

The Carolina Piedmont desegregate factories and workplaces, or in the number of newly elected black officials. In reaction, drawing upon anti-government resentment and racial codewords, initiatives such as Richard Nixon's Southern Strategy...


...look from an ivory spouse who is learning her husband's caesuras. She can see silent spaces but not what they signify, graphite markings in a forester's code. Many others have...

Driving Through Time: The Digital Blue Ridge Parkway complete because of environmental and public relations concerns and lawsuits filed by the mountain's owner and promoter, Hugh Morton. Screen capture of the GeoBrowse tool, Driving Through Time, 2012. The...

Mississippi Delta

...with their financial resources enabling frequent travel, elaborate parties and dances, tasteful decoration of homes, the best food and drink, and education of children at fine schools and colleges across...

Rose Library Highlights: Amos Kennedy, Jr.

...his archival holdings in the African American collections at Emory University's Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library. Best known for artist books that narrate African American history in striking...

Toxic Knowledge: A Review of Baptized in PCBs

...who, like the Mims, were directly affected by the town's chemical dramas, serves as a powerful "argument for reforming how we manufacture, use, and regulate toxic chemicals in the United...

I-26, Corridor of Change

...rural counties across the United States, Madison experienced rapid change. In the 1960s, a significant number of newcomers entered Madison County from outside the Southern Appalachian region. The earliest of...