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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Editorial Staff

Allen Tullos
Senior Editor
Emory Center for Digital Scholarship
Department of History
Emory University

Mary Ann Robertson
Managing Editor
Robert W. Woodruff Library
Emory University

Angelica Johnson
Assistant Managing Editor
Robert W. Woodruff Library
Emory University 

Ariel Lawrence
Review Editor
Robert W. Woodruff Library
Emory University

Ayoung Kim
Editorial Associate
Robert W. Woodruff Library
Emory University

Ella Myer
Editorial Associate
Robert W. Woodruff Library
Emory University

Nyaradzai Mahachi
Editorial Staff
Robert W. Woodruff Library
Emory University

Jesse P. Karlsberg
Consulting Editor
Emory Center for Digital Scholarship
Emory University

Steve Bransford
Video Producer
Emory Center for Digital Scholarship
Emory University

Editorial Board

Carol Anderson
Charles Howard Candler Professor of African American Studies
Department of African American Studies
Emory University
550 Asbury Circle
207 Candler Library
Atlanta, GA 30322

Carol Anderson is the Charles Howard Candler Professor of African American Studies at Emory University and author of White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Nation's Divide, a New York Times Bestseller, Washington Post Notable Book of 2016, and a National Book Critics Circle Award winner. She is also the author of Eyes Off the Prize: The United Nations and the African American Struggle for Human Rights, 1944–1955Bourgeois Radicals: The NAACP and the Struggle for Colonial Liberation, 1941–1960, and One Person, No Vote: How Voter Suppression is Destroying Our Democracy, which was long-listed for the National Book Award and a finalist for the PEN/Galbraith Award in non-fiction. Prof. Anderson’s research centers upon public policy, how racial inequality and racism shape policy making processes and outcomes, and how those who have taken the brunt of those laws, executive orders, and directives have worked to counter, undermine, reframe, and, when necessary, dismantle the legal and political edifice used to limit their rights and their humanity.

Joseph Crespino
Jimmy Carter Professor of American History
Department of History
Emory University
561 South Kilgo Circle
220 Bowden Hall
Atlanta, GA 30322

Joseph Crespino is the Jimmy Carter Professor of American History at Emory University. He has written three books: Atticus Finch: The Biography—Harper Lee, Her Father, and the Making of an American Icon (Basic Books, 2018); Strom Thurmond's America (Hill & Wang, 2012); and In Search of Another Country: Mississippi and the Conservative Counterrevolution (Princeton University Press, 2007), which was awarded the Lillian Smith Book Award, the McLemore Prize by the Mississippi Historical Society, and the nonfiction award given by the Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letters. He is co-editor with Matthew D. Lassiter of The Myth of Southern Exceptionalism (Oxford University Press, 2009). Crespino has contributed book chapters to several edited volumes and has published articles in journals including Southern Cultures and the Journal of Political History, which awarded him the Ellis Hawley Prize in 2009.

Grace Elizabeth Hale
Corcoran Department of History
University of Virginia
PO Box 400180
Charlottesville VA 22904-4180

Grace Elizabeth Hale is Commonwealth Professor of American Studies and History at the University of Virginia and a 2018–2019 Carnegie Fellow. She is the author of Making Whiteness: The Culture of Segregation in the South, 1890–1940 (Vintage, 1999), A Nation of Outsiders: How the White Middle Class Fell in Love with Rebellion in Postwar America (Oxford University Press, 2011), and Cool Town: Music, Art, and the Promise of Alternative Culture in Athens, Georgia (University of North Carolina Press, forthcoming 2019). She has written for the New York Times, the Washington Post, American Scholar, Southern Spaces, and Southern Cultures. She is currently working on The Lyncher in the Family, a book about her grandfather, a Mississippi sheriff, and white Americans' inability to reckon with the history of white supremacy. Hale is also co-director, with Lauren Tilton, of Participatory Media, a digital public humanities project on collaborative media-making in the 1960s and 1970s supported by an NEH public projects grant, as well as a collaborator in the University of Georgia's Athens Music Project, for which she interviews participants in the Athens music and arts scene for an archive based in the Special Collections Library, University of Georgia.

Claudrena N. Harold
Professor and Department Chair
Corcoran Department of History
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA 22904

Claudrena N. Harold is a professor of African American and African Studies and History at the University of Virginia. She has authored The Rise and Fall of the Garvey Movement in the Urban South, 1918–1942 (Routledge, 2007), and New Negro Politics in the Jim Crow South (University of Georgia Press, 2016). She is co-editor of Punitive Turn: New Approaches to Race and Incarceration (University of Virginia Press, 2013) as well as Charlottesville 2017: The Legacy of Race and Inequity (University of Virginia Press, 2018). Her latest monograph is When Sunday Comes: Gospel Music in the Soul and Hip-Hop Eras (University of Illinois Press, 2020).   

As a part of her ongoing work on the history of Black student activism at UVA, Professor Harold has written, produced, and co-directed with Kevin Everson eight short films: U. of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 1976 (2014); Sugarcoated Arsenic (2014); Fastest Man in the State (2016); We Demand (2016); 70 Kg. (2017); How Can I Ever Be Late (2017); Black Bus Stop (2019);and Hampton (2019). These films have screened at the National Gallery of Art, the Whitney Museum, Berlin International Film Festival, the International Film Festival Rotterdam, and other film festivals around the world.  

Hank Klibanoff
Professor of Practice
Creative Writing Program
537 S. Kilgo Circle
Callaway Center N106 Atlanta, Georgia 30322

Hank Klibanoff teaches nonfiction in Emory’s Creative Writing Program. He is the co-author with Gene Roberts of The Race Beat: The Press, the Civil Rights Struggle, and the Awakening of a Nation (New York: Knopf, 2007), which won the 2007 Pulitzer Prize in history. Klibanoff is also the creator and host of Buried Truths, a narrative history podcast produced by WABE (NPR) in Atlanta. The podcast is drawn largely from the work of students in the Georgia Civil Rights Cold Cases Project, which Klibanoff directs and teaches at Emory. Buried Truths has won Peabody, Robert F. Kennedy, Edward R. Murrow and American Bar Association Silver Gavel awards. He was elected in 2022 into the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. In Spring 2021, Klibanoff won Senate confirmation as a President Biden nominee to the newly created Civil Rights Cold Case Records Review Board. Klibanoff serves on the John Chancellor Excellence in Journalism Award Committee at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, and on the advisory board of the Rosalynn Carter Mental Health Journalism Fellowships. A native of Alabama, Klibanoff joined Emory in 2010 at the close of a thirty-six-year career in newspaper journalism in Mississippi and at The Boston Globe, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, where he had served as managing editor for news.

Tom Rankin
Professor of the Practice of Art and Documentary Studies
Duke University
1317 West Pettigrew Street
Durham, NC 27705

Tom Rankin is former director of the Center for Documentary Studies and professor of the Practice of Art and Documentary Studies at Duke University. His books include Sacred Space: Photographs from the Mississippi Delta (University Press of Mississippi, 1993), which received the Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letters Award for Photography; "Deaf Maggie Lee Sayre": Photographs of a River Life (University Press of Mississippi, 1995), Faulkner's World: The Photographs of Martin J. Dain (University Press of Mississippi, 1997), and Local Heroes Changing America: Indivisible (Norton, 2000). His photographs have been published and exhibited widely. A frequent writer on photography and the documentary tradition, he is completing a retrospective book on the Georgia photographer Paul Kwilecki.

Katherine Skinner
Greensboro, North Carolina

Katherine Skinner served as executive director of the Educopia Institute, a not-for-profit educational organization founded in 2006 to act as a catalyst for collaborative approaches to digital scholarship. She is one of the founders and the former managing editor of Southern Spaces. Skinner received her PhD from Emory University. Her research currently focuses on the implications of the shifting roles of the public and private sectors with regard to cultural memory materials in the digital environment, particularly in the production, dissemination, and preservation of these materials. Katherine is the author or co-author of several articles, including "'Must Be Born Again': Resurrecting the Anthology of American Folk Music" (Popular Music), "The MetaArchive Cooperative: A Collaborative Approach to Distributed Digital Preservation" (Library Trends), and "Economics, Sustainability, and the Cooperative Model in Digital Preservation" (Library Hi Tech). She has also co-edited several books, including Strategies for Sustaining Digital Libraries (Emory University Digital Library Publications, 2008), A Guide to Distributed Digital Preservation (Educopia Institute, 2010), and Aligning National Approaches to Digital Preservation (Educopia Institute, 2012).

Barbara Ellen Smith
Professor Emerita of Women's and Gender Studies
Department of Sociology
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, Virginia

Barbara Ellen Smith is professor emerita of women’s and gender studies in the Department of Sociology at Virginia Tech. She has been active in and writing about movements for social and economic justice in Appalachia and the US South for more than 45 years. Smith served as the Research and Education Director of the Southeast Women’s Employment Coalition, chaired the board of the Highlander Center, and currently serves as secretary-treasurer of the West Virginia Mine Wars Museum. As director of the Center for Research on Women (CROW) at the University of Memphis, she coordinated the first community-based, multi-state investigation of Latino migration to the South, “Across Races and Nations: Building New Communities in the U.S. South,” a collaboration among the Highlander Center, Southern Regional Council and CROW, financed by the Ford, Rockefeller and C.S. Mott Foundations. Smith is the author or editor of four books, more than forty journal articles and book chapters, and numerous popular pamphlets, news commentaries, and other materials. Her articles have appeared in journals across a wide range of disciplines, including Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Progress in Human Geography, Gender & Society, and American Literature. Her recent publications include a co-edited book with Steve Fisher, Transforming Places: Lessons from Appalachia (University of Illinois, 2012) and Digging Our Own Graves: Coal Miners and the Struggle over Black Lung Disease (Haymarket Books, 2020).

Ellen Griffith Spears
New College and Department of American Studies
University of Alabama
208 Lloyd Hall
Box 870229
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0229

Ellen Griffith Spears is a professor with a joint appointment in the interdisciplinary New College program and the Department of American Studies at the University of Alabama. She teaches Southern civil rights and environmental history, and is affiliated faculty in UA’s Department of Gender and Race Studies. Dr. Spears has also taught at Agnes Scott College and Emory University in Atlanta. Her book, Baptized in PCBs: Race, Pollution, and Justice in an All-American Town (University of North Carolina Press, 2014), won several awards including the 2014 Arthur J. Viseltear Prize for Outstanding Contribution to the History of Public Health, awarded by the Medical Care Section of the American Public Health Association. She has authored numerous articles and book chapters, including contributions in The American South in a Global World (University of North Carolina Press, 2005) and Emerging Illness and Society: Negotiating the Public Health Agenda (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004). She collaborated with photographer Michael Schwarz on the oral history documentary project, The Newtown Story: One Community’s Fight for Environmental Justice, which recounts the civil rights and environmental activism of a group of African American women in Gainesville, Georgia, the Newtown Florist Club. She is the former associate director of the Southern Regional Council and former managing editor of the SRC’s quarterly journal, Southern Changes. Her most recent book, Rethinking the American Environmental Movement Post-1945was published by Routledge Press in 2019.

William G. Thomas III
John and Catherine Angle Professor in the Humanities
Department of History
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
615 Oldfather Hall
Lincoln, NE 68588

Will Thomas is chair of the Department of History at University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He formerly served as the director of the Virginia Center for Digital History and associate professor of history at the University of Virginia. He is the author of Lawyering for the Railroad: Business, Law, and Power in the New South (Louisiana State University Press, 1999) and The Iron Way: The Civil War and the Making of Modern America (Yale University Press, 2011). He is the co-author and assistant producer of a public television series on the history of Virginia called The Ground Beneath Our Feet: Virginia's History Since the Civil War. Episode Three, "Massive Resistance," was an Emmy Nominee for 2000 from the Washington, DC, chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. He is co-author with Edward L. Ayers of "The Differences Slavery Made: A Close Analysis of Two American Communities" in the American Historical Review (December 2003). Ayers, Thomas, and Anne S. Rubin shared the Lincoln Prize in 2001 from the Civil War Institute at Gettysburg College for the "Valley of the Shadow" project, and the James Harvey Robinson Prize from the American Historical Association in recognition of the project as an outstanding contribution to the teaching of history.

Natasha Trethewey
Board of Trustees Professor of English
Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences*
Department of English
University Hall 226
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL 60208

Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Natasha Trethewey is Board of Trustees Professor of English at Northwestern University. In 2012, she was named the nineteenth US poet laureate. Tretheway is the author of Beyond Katrina: A Meditation on the Mississippi Gulf Coast (University of Georgia Press, 2010), and three volumes of poetry: Domestic Work (Graywolf, 2000), which won the inaugural 1999 Cave Canem poetry prize; Bellocq's Ophelia (Graywolf, 2002), which won the 2003 Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letters Book Prize; and Native Guard (Houghton Mifflin, 2006), for which Trethewey was awarded the 2007 Pulitzer Prize in Poetry; and Thrall (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt). She is the recipient of fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Study Center, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Bunting Fellowship Program of the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard. Her poems have appeared in such journals and anthologies as American Poetry Review, Callaloo, Kenyon Review, The Southern Review, New England Review, Gettysburg Review, Virginia Quarterly Review, and several volumes of The Best American Poetry series.

Allen Tullos
Senior Editor, Southern Spaces
Professor of History
Emory University
Bowden Hall
537 Kilgo Circle
Atlanta, GA 30322-2870

Allen Tullos is professor of History at Emory University and co-director of the Emory Center for Digital Scholarship. He is author of Alabama Getaway: The Political Imaginary and the Heart of Dixie (University of Georgia Press, 2012). Hs book Habits of Industry (University of North Carolina Press, 1989) won the Charles S. Sydnor Award of the Southern Historical Association. From 1982 until 2004 he was editor of the journal Southern Changes. Tullos has published dozens of articles and numerous book chapters on US popular music, southern visual culture, the politics of space, and contemporary southern politics. Tullos was co-producer and sound recordist on the award-winning documentary films Born for Hard Luck: Peg Leg Sam Jackson (1976), Being a Joines: A Life in the Brushy Mountains (1981), and A Singing Stream: A Black Family Chronicle (1986) in the American Traditional Culture Series, and he is producer of the documentary Tommie Bass. He is the recipient of fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the American Council of Learned Societies, and Yale University. He has served on the national advisory board of the American Routes radio project, and is on the editorial advisory boards of two book series, New Directions in Southern Studies (University of North Carolina Press) and Politics and Culture in the Twentieth-Century South (University of Georgia Press).

Charles Reagan Wilson
Kelly Gene Cook, Sr. Chair of History
Professor of Southern Studies
University of Mississippi
Barnard Observatory
PO Box 1848
Oxford, MS 38677

Charles Reagan Wilson (retired) was the Kelly Gene Cook, Sr. Chair of History at the University of Mississippi, where he taught since 1981. He is the co-editor of the Encyclopedia of Southern Culture (University of North Carolina Press) and author of Judgment and Grace in Dixie: Southern Faiths from Faulkner to Elvis (University of Georgia Press, 1995, 2007) and Baptized in Blood: The Religion of the Lost Cause, 1865–1920 (University of Georgia Press, 1980). He is also editor of The New Regionalism (University Press of Mississippi, 1997) and Religion in the South (University Press of Mississippi, 1985), as well as co-editor of The South and the Caribbean (University Press of Mississippi, 2001). His most recent book is Flashes of a Southern Spirit: Meanings of Spirit in the South (University of Georgia Press, 2011). He is also general editor of the book series New Directions in Southern Studies (University of North Carolina Press). Wilson, who throughout his career has worked toward defining the interdisciplinary field of Southern studies, has directed six symposia on topics ranging from the Caribbean and the South to Religion and the American Civil War.

Editorial Reviewers

Rob Amberg, Madison County, North Carolina
Andy Ambrose, Tubman Museum
Eric Gary Anderson, George Mason University
Mary K. Anglin, University of Kentucky
Ray Arsenault, University of South Florida
Mark Auslander, Central Washington University
Nancy Baker, Sam Houston State University
Peggy Barlett, Emory University
Jack Bass, The College of Charleston
Margaret Bauer, East Carolina University
Patricia D. Beaver, Appalachian State University
E. M. Beck, Jr., University of Georgia
Matthew Bernstein, Emory University
Stephen Berry, Unicersity of Georgia
Tom Bertolaet, Florida A&M University
Thomas D. Boswell, University of Maimi Coral Gables  
Dwight Billings, University of Kentucky
Charles Bolton, University of North Carolina-Greensboro
Steve Bransford, Emory University
Fitzhugh Brundage, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Peggy Bulger, Director, American Folklife Center
Ron Butters, Duke University
Keith Byerman, Indiana State University
Richard Campanella, Tulane University
Robert Cantwell, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Mike Carnathan, Atlanta Regional Commission 
Jim Carnes, Filmmaker
Dan T. Carter, University of South Carolina
Ernesto Chávez, University of Texas-El Paso
Robin Conner, Georgia State University
Michan Connor, University of Texas at Arlington
Tim Crimmins, Georgia State University
Jane Dailey, Johns Hopkins University
William F. Danaher, The College of Charleston
Leroy Davis, Emory University
Susan V. Donaldson, The College of William and Mary
Allison Dorsey, Swarthmore College
Wilma A. Dunaway, Virginia Tech
Connie Eble, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Rebecca Edwards, Vassar College
Michael Elliott, Emory University
Beth English, Princeton University
Keona Ervin, University of Missouri 
David Estes, Loyola University-New Orleans
William Falk, University of Maryland
Amanda Fickey, Union College
James Fickle, University of Memphis
Leon Fink, University of Illinois-Chicago
Mary Frederickson, Miami University of Ohio 
Ted Friedman, Georgia State University
Fred C. Fussell, Director, Chattahoochee Folklife Project 
Paul Gilmore, California State University, Long Beach
Rebecca L. Godwin, Barton College
Elliott Gorn, Loyola University Chicago
Jennifer Greeson, University of Virginia
Anna Grimshaw, Emory University
Larry J. Griffin, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Adam Gussow, University of Mississippi
Peggy Hargis, Georgia Southern University
Tom Hatley, Asheville, North Carolina
Iris Tillman Hill, Editor, Center for Documentary Studies, Duke University
John Howard, Kings College, University of London
John Inscoe, University of Georgia
Harvey Jackson, Jacksonville State University
Lu Ann Jones, National Park Service
Suzanne Jones, University of Richmond
Kristin Kant-Byers, Rochester Institute of Technology
Peter Kastor, Washington University in St. Louis
Anthony E. Kaye, Pennsylvania State University
Lovalerie King, Pennsylvania State University
Ann Kingsolver, University of Kentucky
Hank Klibanoff, Emory University 
Tom Klingler, Tulane University
John T. Kneebone, Virgina Commonwealth University
Adam Krims, University of Nottingham
Kevin Kruse, Princeton University
Clifford M. Kuhn, Georgia State University
Barbara Ladd, Emory University
Theresa Lloyd, East Tennessee State University
Valerie Loichot, Emory University
Caroline Maun, Wayne State University
Pearl McHaney, Georgia State University
Mark McKnight, University of North Texas
Gregg Michel, University of Texas, San Antonio
Matt Miller, Emory University
Joseph Millichap, Western Kentucky University
Tim Minchin, La Trobe University
Michael Moon, Emory University
Gary Mormino, University of South Florida
Brent Morris, Clemson University
Amy Feely Morsman, Middlebury College
Justin M. Nolan, University of Arkansas
Robert J. Norrell, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Mary Odem, Emory University
Lee Pederson, Emory University
Michael Pierce, University of Arkansas
Barbara Presnell, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
Anita M. Puckett, Virginia Tech
Eithne Quinn, University of Manchester, UK
John Raeburn, University of Iowa
Benjamin Reiss, Emory University
Gary N. Richards, University of New Orleans
James L. Roark, Emory University
Scott Romine, University of North Carolina-Greensboro
Vincent J. Roscigno, Ohio State University
Jacqueline Rouse, Georgia State University
Anne Sarah Rubin, University of Maryland-Baltimore County
Wanda Rushing, University of Memphis
Emily Satterwhite, Virginia Tech University
Claudio Saunt, University of Georgia
Rebecca Sharpless, Texas Christian University
Doug Smith, Occidental College
Jon Smith, Simon Fraser University
Nick Spitzer, Tulane University
Mart Stewart, Western Washington University
Steve Striffler, University of New Orleans
Steve Suitts, Atlanta, Georgia
Colin Talley, Emory University
Amy Murrell Taylor, State University of New York-Albany
Charlie D. Thompson, Duke University
Sarah Toton, Turner Broadcasting
Timothy Tyson, Duke University
Candace Waid, University of California-Santa Barbara
Altina Waller, University of Connecticut
Jason Morgan Ward, Mississippi State University
Anne B. Warner, Spelman College
James H. Watkins, Berry College
Mary Weaks-Baxter, Rockford College
David Wharton, University of Mississippi
Jamie Winders, Syracuse University
Craig Womack, Emory University 
Amy Wood, Illinois State University
Peter Wood, Duke University
Emily Wright, Methodist College

Former Editorial Board Members

Franky Abbott (2018–2020)
Earl Lewis (2004–2013)
Jake Adam York (2009–2012)
Patricia Yaeger (2006–2008)
Lucinda MacKethan (2004–2005)
Carole Merritt (2004–2005)

Former Editorial Staff Members

Amelia Golcheski (2018–2023)
Review and Social Media Editor

Julian Currents (2021–2022)
Editorial Associate; Media Accessibility Manager

Madison Elkins (2016–2021)
Managing Editor

Hannah Griggs (2017–2021)
Assistant Managing Editor

Stephanie Bryan (2015–2022)
Review Editor

William Robert Billups (2019–2021)
Media Accessibility Manager; Editorial Associate

Timothy Rainey II (2015–2019)
Editorial Associate

Kelly Gannon (2014–2019)
Editorial Associate

Sophia Leonard (2017–2019)
Managing Editor

Rachel Kolb (2018–2019)
Editorial Associate

Stephanie Larson (2015–2017)
Review Editor

Jordan Johnson (2014–2017)
Managing Editor

Meredith Doster (2013–2016)
Managing Editor

Alan G. Pike (2011–2015)
Review Editor

Emma Lirette (2012–2015)
Editorial Associate, Creative Technology Strategist

Erika Harding (2012–2014)
Editorial Associate 

Stewart Varner (2010–2014)
Library Strategist 

Katie Rawson (2008–2013)
Managing Editor 

Devin Brown (2012)
Editorial Associate

Louis Fagnon (2011–2012)
Editorial Associate

Frances Abbott (2006–2011)
Managing Editor

Jae Turner (2010–2011)
Woodruff Fellow

Mary Battle (2007–2010)
Series Editor, Editorial Associate

Caddie Putnam Rankin (2009–2010)
Woodruff Fellow

Sarah Toton (2004–2010)
Managing Editor, Lead Strategist

Matt Miller (2007–2009)
Woodruff Fellow, Poets in Place Fellow

Steve Bransford (2004–2008)
Videographer and Digital Media Consultant

Michael Hall (2008)
Research Assistant

Robin Conner (2006–2008)
Copy Editor

John Healey (2004–2007)
Systems Administrator

Jay Hughes (2006–2007)
Digital Media Coordinator

Melissa Sexton (2006–2007)
Robert W. Woodruff Library Fellow

Jere Alexander (2005–2006)
Editorial Associate

Zeb Baker (2006)
Editorial Associate

Emily Satterwhite (2003–2005)
Editorial Associate

Paul O'Grady (2004–2005)
Joan I. Gotwals Library Fellow