No Country for Old Hippies: Jason Mellard's Progressive Country
...Austin's community-oriented scene. Mellard situates this music within the political fluidity of the 1970s, a contentious decade between the upheavals of the 1960s and the conservative reactions they provoked. Progressive...
New Digital Archive of Hiphop and Bounce Music in New Orleans
...Water. The Amistad collection plans to be publically available and free of charge (either online or in person at Amistad) as a digital archive of oral histories in the spring...
Daily Life, State Power, and Theory in the Lonestar State: A Review of Robert Wuthnow's Rough Country market innovation. These cultural ideologies, concludes Wuthnow, shaped and impacted religion in Texas well into the twentieth century. Top, "Don't Mess with Texas," former Texas Govenor Rick Perry covers...
Family Forestry in Twiggs County, Georgia / Live in Macon at the Douglass Theatre
...In addition to musical recording and touring, Leavell manages his pine forested Charlane Plantation located in Twiggs County, Georgia. To help shape policy and to promote sound forestry management practices...
Mapping the Muggleheads: New Orleans and the Marijuana Menace, 1920–1930
...Orleans between 1920 and 1930. In response, both the city and the state of Louisiana passed laws criminalizing the drug's use, sale, and possession. In the weeks that followed the...
Born In Violent Conquest: A Review of Jacksonland
...replacement with white settlers (and, in the South, their black slaves). The United States could secure freedom and economic opportunity for its white citizens only by expelling indigenous communities. That...
And the Prize Goes to...
...folklore, information sciences, public policy, music, food studies, and economics. The seminar voted Simone Delerme's 2014 Southern Spaces article, "'Puerto Ricans Live Free': Race, Language, and Orlando's Contested Soundscape," as...
The World of Chick-Fil-A and the Business of Sunbelt Evangelicalism
Presentation Part 2: Grem discusses conservative evangelical organizations and the rise of Christian small business in the twentieth century Part 3: S. Truett Cathy, evangelical and corporate America, Sunbelt politics, and...
Navigating Jim Crow: A Review of Adolph L. Reed's The South: Jim Crow and Its Afterlives
...indignation." 3Reed, 13. The pervasive but varying conditions of white supremacy meant that the places where Black people could be their own free selves, away from everyday racial dangers and...
Closer to the Ground: A Conversation with Ann Pancake
...way America exerts power over other countries and exploits them. JAMES: Did you see similarities or connections between class inequalities or exploitation in West Virginia, and American Samoa as part...