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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Reconsidering Appalachian Studies

...employment, for instance? What, if any, role should mobile homes play in the region's housing infrastructure? How can we support the construction of affordable, energy-efficient, healthy, sustainable housing in the...

Good-Bye to All That?

...second incumbent was against gay marriage, the Affordable Care Act, tax increases, any form of zoning or community planning, and regulations on business ("Job killers"). He was for Second Amendment...

Preserving the Memory of Ybor City, Florida

Introduction Founded by cigar manufacturers V.M. Ybor and Ignacio Haya in 1885, Ybor City, Florida, became the "Cigar Capital of the World" in the early twentieth century. Despite efforts by...

Undoing the Voting Rights Act

...Unites States Senate, on S. 1992, 97th Congress, May 25, 1982, 67. Justice Alito's opinion lays out five "guideposts," his own version of the "objective factors . . . and...

Sonic Zora in Florida

...of The Florida Guide, part of an "American Guide" series designed to "hold up a mirror to America." The gig provided her with the opportunity to sharpen her ethnographic game,...