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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Selma Bridge: Always Under Construction

...Edmund Pettus Bridge Brings Fame, Fortune, to Selma," Montgomery Advertiser, January 5, 1992. Binding memories to landscape, the bridge at Selma locates transitions from one time and space to another....

Putting the Hospital into Southern Hospitality

...Europeans, migrating from a different disease zone outside the tropics, suffered more than Africans from malaria. The wealthiest white elite, who could afford to escape the sickly summer and fall...

The Bulletin—August 6, 2013 2003, they remain in the Virginia Code. A federal appeals court specifically struck down this statute this March in the course of a case where an adult male solicited...

1108 Dynamite Hill

Video Essay Jeff Drew, born in 1951, is a lifelong resident of Birmingham, Alabama's North Smithfield neighborhood. In 2013, following the fiftieth anniversary commemoration of the Birmingham campaign of...