Scales of Slavery on the Mason-Dixon Line: A Review of Gleanings of Freedom
...border were sensitive to European diplomacy and to the price of a slave in Natchez, connections that were not always straightforward. Declining wheat prices led to a backlash against slavery...
Seeing Sound: Mapping Florentine Soundscapes
Presentation Question and Answer Session About the Speaker Niall Atkinson is Neubauer Family Assistant Professor of Art History and the College at the University of Chicago. His publications include The Noisy...
The Change
...CIBs would be home again with our people, while the BIA forgot to watch. When we still remembered before even the Europeans, working now shoulder to shoulder with descendants of...
Vivir en las Fronteras: Inmigrantes Maya de Guatemala en el Sur de los Estados Unidos
...empobrecido a la gente indígena y la ha marginalizado en sus propios países (las personas de ascendencia mixta – europea e indígena – se llaman ladinos.) Las declaraciones sobre inferioridad...
Ossabaw Island Flyover
...had occupied Ossabaw since about 2000 BCE, but European colonization began when the Spanish arrived in the late sixteenth century. A lasting remnant of Spanish colonization on Ossabaw is the...
Southern Spaces Recommends
...Europe during the Thirty Years' War. It's like something the poet Charles Simic might imagine. I'm currently reading Pekka Hämäläinen's Lakota America, a history of the Sioux people that begins...
Southern Spaces Recommends, October 2020
...the movie certainly embody it. Ellen Griffith Spears, editorial board: For fiction, there's the gripping tale of the global timber trade and the European conquest of eastern Canada and northern...
Mother Jones: Back in Alabama
...has expired, despite the fact that coal shipments to China, Europe, and Latin America have made the company profitable once again. Cecil Roberts (left), president of the United Mine Workers...
Place, Time, and Memory
...College of Art and Design. An enormously productive and prolific artist, Christenberry's work is widely exhibited and collected by major museums and galleries in the United States and in Europe....
Rosa’s Log Cabin Quilt [ca 1880]
...a limited number of fabrics, but quiltmakers more often took advantage of the pattern's versatility to incorporate a variety of fabrics. As long as the majority of darker fabrics are...