"We're Almost There": The Drive-By Truckers' Art of Place
...that all the stories worth telling—stories of love and betrayal, heartache and triumph, justice and oppression—could be found in one small corner of the world. Getting the stories right meant...
Beyond Fairyland: Writing and Curating Queer Miami
...such as New York, San Francisco, and Chicago. Never taken too seriously by most scholars, Miami remains a deeply understudied city. As election polls and media reports often suggest, it...
The Mobility of Faith: Cross Sections of Haitian Religion in Miami
...depicts Haitians traveling by passenger jet and wooden boat to Miami, framing Rey and Stepick's emphasis on religious exchange and serving as a devotional reminder of the journeys between these...
Ways of Unseeing: Crowdsourcing the Frame in Roger May's Looking at Appalachia
...point" is the degree to which the project is fundamentally frustrating. Each time an image seems to frame Appalachia in a particular way, other images unsettle the frame. As Susan...
End of the Pandemic? A Grassroots Perspective
...models because of its non-hierachal emphasis on mutualism rather than models that maintain divisions between givers and receivers. Mutual aid is rooted in reciprocity. Endstate ATL took advantage of these...
"Within Thy Circling Pow'r I Stand": Immersive Video from Sacred Harp's Hollow Square
...square during a break between singing sessions at Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church, Fayette County, Alabama, 2012. Photograph by Andy Ditzler. Courtesy of Andy Ditzler. After trying out the device at...
The Bulletin—August 6, 2013
...in 2003, they remain in the Virginia Code. A federal appeals court specifically struck down this statute this March in the course of a case where an adult male solicited...
1108 Dynamite Hill
...line between white and Black property: white residents on the west side and Black residents on the east side. Ignoring Jim Crow, Drew's family and other Black families crossed the...
On Fair Use
...higher education. The United States Copyright Office outlines its "fair use" policy in Section 107 of Title 17 of the United States Code, enumerating "various purposes for which the reproduction...
...look from an ivory spouse who is learning her husband's caesuras. She can see silent spaces but not what they signify, graphite markings in a forester's code. Many others have...