The Crowd He Becomes
...have done it it wouldn't have been alone, he would have had a driver and a man out west to phone in threats to draw the cops away. They'd ease...
Shadows along the Waccamaw
Readings Dan Albergotti reads "The Mystery of the Great Blue Heron." Poem text. Dan Albergotti reads the poem "The Boatloads." Poem text. Dan Albergotti reads the poem "Accidents Happen with...
Navigating Jim Crow: A Review of Adolph L. Reed's The South: Jim Crow and Its Afterlives all-white restaurant, or to momentarily avoid a racial indignity. Some white leaders openly acknowledged what a large number of various skin complexions meant in the real life of...
Psychiatry in the Wake: Racism and the Asylumed South and healing where there were small numbers of Black patients.11Fett, Working Cures. Gonaver warns us not to read Galt's attitude as any kind of emancipatory rhetoric, but as representing...
The US South and the 2008 Election of states that stretches westward from the former Confederacy through the southwest to southern California. From L.B.J. to George W. Bush, every president has come from one of these...
Whiskey and Geography
...Wood, Jr., From Ulster to Carolina: The Migration of the Scotch-Irish to Southwestern North Carolina (Raleigh: North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Division of Archives and History, 1998), 33. Corn...
On Native Ground: Indigenous Presences and Countercolonial Strategies in Southern Narratives of Captivity, Removal, and Repossession
...regions, whether the American Southwest, the Pacific Northwest, or the Plains. It is true that Native southern writers often choose to "talk about the South" tacitly, casting aside notions of...
Flatlands in the Outlands: Photographs from the Delta and Bayou
...which was displayed at the Jennifer Schwartz Gallery near Georgia Tech, also featured a handful of photographs from the Southwest and Midwest but the beautiful and, at times, somber photographs...
Ossabaw Island Flyover
Video and Essay Ossabaw Island is a barrier island on the Georgia coast. The island, which trends northeast–southwest, is about 14.5 kilometers (9 miles) long and 10.5 kilometers (6.6...
Counterblast: How the Atlanta Temple Bombing Strengthened the Civil Rights Cause
...Brickner, October 12, 1961, box 5, folder 8, Rothschild Papers, 1933–1985, Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library, Emory University, Atlanta. Rothschild was active in a number of liberal organizations, including...