An Excerpt from The Lesbian South: Southern Feminists, the Women in Print Movement, and the Queer Literary Canon
...and that the urban model "incompletely and inadequately gets at the shape and scope of queer life."3Howard, Men Like That, 15. He suggests new models for understanding that queer life,...
Call for Submissions: Queer Intersections / Southern Spaces
...identifying queer subjects as intelligible, fixed beings to asking the critical questions: To queer what? Where? When? What do, or should, we queer and why? With the series "Queer Intersections...
Changing Places, Changing Lives
...engines that drove much of what made the southern economy unique in the decades between revolution and secession. What concerns Pargas in Slavery and Forced Migration in the Antebellum South...
"Holding on to Those Who Can't Be Held": Reenacting a Lynching at Moore's Ford, Georgia
...that day I really had to think what a white man felt like, driving that car, taking our people to their deaths. Really made me think, you know?” The Moore’s...
Toxic Knowledge: A Review of Baptized in PCBs
...blood carried "outrageously high" levels of the class of toxic chemicals known as PCBs, manufactured by Monsanto, and that the soil in her yard contained PCB levels "above what the...
Geographies of Hope and Despair: Atlanta's African American, Latino, and White Day Laborers
...things like that, anything that's manual labor, sweep, mop, clean the bathrooms, anything that's unskilled and just requires a body. Not too much on the [manufacturing] line, and if it...
Indians in the Family: Adoption and the Politics of Antebellum Expansion people the very rights or recognition of kinship—Indians were described as free people who could potentially be incorporated into the US national family, a process that in turn mandated that...
I-26, Corridor of Change
...embarrassed that my photographs offered no tangible benefits in a place that seemed to value useful things that aided survival: firewood, bean seeds, a cut of cloth. Then, as I...
Driving Through Time: The Digital Blue Ridge Parkway
...get to use in today's world. But the word that comes to this driver's mind is slow. I feel it immediately as I enter the roadway—not only my car decelerating...
"Looking Back and Moving Forward": The Records of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference at Emory University's Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library
...[I]t was my impression from observing him, things that I heard and also from his general . . . policy with respect to his organization that Dr. King either had...