On Fair Use
The doctrine of "fair use" is an increasingly important concept for scholars, libraries, and universities as digital technologies continue to change the ways that we research, publish, and teach in...
Love and Death in Mississippi
...thought, "We're going to be late for school." Only when my mother called home around 8:00 and told us we better walk that day did I understand that something had...
You Can't Eat Coal, and Other Lessons from Appalachian Women's History
...these positions. Most caregivers do not become activists. The merging of an ethic of care with democratic struggle provided a powerful argument that caring is central to the fight for...
...look from an ivory spouse who is learning her husband's caesuras. She can see silent spaces but not what they signify, graphite markings in a forester's code. Many others have...
Call for Submissions: Landscapes and Ecologies of the U.S. South Proposals due: January 31, 2011
...and their global connections. We encourage submissions that combine innovative scholarship and analysis with ideas for digital media elements such as images, maps, audio, or video. Jason Francisco, Nature preserve,...
Medicine as Memory: Radcliffe Bailey at Atlanta's High Museum of Art
...becomes a medicine cabinet whose magic is the reparative line from photograph to artifact to blood code that describes a history, something that can now be remembered; the depth of...
Life in a Shatter Zone: Debra Granik's Film Winter's Bone
...by local residents. Granik mentions on the director’s commentary track on the DVD of the film that the many dogs of various shapes and sizes that wander through several scenes...
...couldn't find him in the dark. They say that Moses brought him out at last, that someone else was in the truck to say that it was him that did...
"The Ohio River Was Not the River Jordan": A Review of Matthew Salafia's Slavery's Borderland
...to it, and that its limitations and restrictions actually discouraged many from risking escape to achieve that somewhat dubious status. On the other hand, it was the experience of fugitive...
"Gaps in People's Lacks": James Franco's As I Lay Dying
...While we know that earlier he goes with Jewel to get a load of wood that "means three dollars" (17, 19), we never see Faulkner's Darl working, a fact that...