Something True about Louisiana: HBO's True Detective and the Petrochemical America Aesthetic escape gang violence in Honduras. His upcoming projects include Beasts of No Nation about revolution in a western African country and an adaptation of Stephen King's It. Apparently he...
Naming Each Place
Readings Jericho Brown reads the poem "Like Father." Poem text Jericho Brown reads "Prayer of the Backhanded." Poem text Jericho Brown reads the poem "Scarecrow." Poem text Jericho Brown reads...
Elegy for the Native Guards
Poem Elegy for the Native Guards Now that the salt of their blood Stiffens the saltier oblivion of the sea . . . —Allen Tate We leave Gulfport at noon;...
The Morning with Many Tongues
...the anthologies Blues Poems, Gathering Ground, The Ringing Ear, and Black Nature: Four Centuries of African American Nature Poetry. His first book, Blood Ties & Brown Liquor, was published by...
"In the Neighborhood": Towards a Human Geography of US Slave Society
...Historians of the slave community found a similar pattern. They documented, in brilliant detail, the extended black family, a distinctive African American vernacular culture, a spectrum of resistance from rebellion...
An Excerpt from The Lesbian South: Southern Feminists, the Women in Print Movement, and the Queer Literary Canon
...of queering was central to utopian reimaginations of rural space in early women's liberation. Creating autonomous women's space and queer space was a central focus of women's communes and the...
New Histories of Environmental Activism: A Review of Rethinking the American Environmental Movement the federal government. These are important not only to provide background and context, but also because the often-contested terrain of scientific knowledge and expertise is so central to understanding...
Ways of Unseeing: Crowdsourcing the Frame in Roger May's Looking at Appalachia
...sets. How viewers engage with the site determines their initial frame of context—whether proceeding alphabetically (Alabama), or via a state considered more central to their understanding (West Virginia) or perhaps...
The Place of Appalachia
...Appalachian Journal 11 (Autumn–Winter 1983–1984): 23–31. In an era of protracted labor uprisings, particularly in the central Appalachian coalfields, and increased recognition of the relationship between regional poverty and a...
Bioregional Approach to Southern History: The Yazoo-Mississippi Delta
...and created a new taxonomy for American nature. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) today defines an ecoregion as "a large area of land or water that contains a geographically distinct...