COVID-19: Lessons in Ignorance
...and why. Cover of Michael Lewis's The Premonition: A Pandemic Story (New York: W.W. Norton, 2021). A case in point and cause for concern is Michael Lewis's bestselling The Premonition: A...
Sea Changes in Personhood," inspired by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari's theory of the minor, stemming from human, parahuman,1"Parahuman" indicates the zone of connection between human animal, other animals, and the environment. animal,...
Routes of Reconciliation: Visiting Sites of Cultural Trauma in the US South, Northern Ireland, and South Africa
...the Protestant Apprentice Boys of Derry defended the city against the monarch's claim to divine right. More recently, the Free Derry civil rights movement represented a modern freedom struggle. On...
The Slaveholding Empire: Southerners, Federal Authority, and Slave Power Abroad
...the international struggle between free and bound systems of labor To combat the abolitionist threat, US slavers invested their energy and resources in an unlikely place: the navy. In what...
Low Country Travelers: An African American Car Club of Charleston County, South Carolina
...the McClellanville town council, and Selden B. Hill, the white director of the Village Museum, proposed a parade to foster interaction between racial communities. We first encountered the Low Country...
No Country for Old Hippies: Jason Mellard's Progressive Country
...Austin's community-oriented scene. Mellard situates this music within the political fluidity of the 1970s, a contentious decade between the upheavals of the 1960s and the conservative reactions they provoked. Progressive...
Open Educational Resources at Southern Spaces
...across multiple disciplines. Presenting well-crafted articles, videos, reviews, interviews, and digital projects, these collections of free materials offer valuable resources for teaching, learning, and research. OER Commons logo, December 12,...
Still Digging Our Own Graves: Coal Miners and the Struggle over Black Lung Disease
...male. However, since at the least the 1970s, women have worked in the mines, including underground, albeit in small numbers. I use the language of "wives and widows" because most...
Day of action, Freedom Plaza, Washington, D.C., September 27, 2010
...a sit-in on Freedom Plaza. While mountaintop removal is often considered an Appalachian problem, this protest and its depiction of the federal Army Corps of Engineers points to the complexity...
The "Achilles' Heel" of Jim Crow: A Review of Landscapes of Exclusion
...increased use of formerly segregated sites led whites to abandon public spaces in favor of private facilities. States and cities steadily withdrew support for public parks and recreation.2Kevin M. Kruse,...