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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Gordon Parks at Atlanta's High Museum of Art

...with the Gordon Parks Foundation and the High Museum of Art, 2014), 8–10. Hunter-Gault uses the term "separate but unequal" throughout her essay. conditions of their lives in the Jim...

Shadows along the Waccamaw

Readings Dan Albergotti reads "The Mystery of the Great Blue Heron." Poem text. Dan Albergotti reads the poem "The Boatloads." Poem text. Dan Albergotti reads the poem "Accidents Happen with...

Junction City newspaper

...Kansas, at least, does not want them, and, indeed, cannot support them. The conviction is growing everywhere, that if the movement continues, the north must use shot-guns in self defense."...

Sams Gap, North Carolina the Bear Branch exit because of the run-off from I-26, Sams Gap, NC, 1995. Photo courtesy of Rob Amberg. NCDOT boundary marker, near Sams Gap and the Appalachian Trail,...

Elegy for the Native Guards

...Park Service Gulf Islands Regional Map Cover Image Attribution The upper ramparts of Fort Massachusetts, July 27, 2012. Photography by Flickr user Roger Smith. Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 2.0....

#598, Common Meter

Sung to tune of Cleansing Fountain in B.F. White Sacred Harp Cooper Revision (382)   1) There is a house not made with hands    Eternal and on high:   ...