The Suburban Wild: Coyotes in Druid Hills
...sometimes draw between human and animal worlds. Central to the concept of coexistence is modifying the behavior of both human and animal, requiring an ongoing effort to sustain a dialogue-of-sorts...
The Bulletin—June 12, 2012
...a Task Force on Digital Scholarship to assess the state of digital scholarship in the historical profession, evaluate tenure and promotion practices and graduate training, and issue guidelines for the evaluation...
Rose Library Highlights: Amos Kennedy, Jr.
Amos Kennedy Print, Kennedy and Sons Collection, Emory University Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library. On March 15, 2016, acclaimed printmaker Amos Kennedy, Jr. participated in a public conversation about...
A Review of Lawrence N. Powell's The Accidental City: Improvising New Orleans
...built there because they had already claimed land concessions in the area. Powell’s book chronicles the town’s history from the time of Bienville to the Battle of New Orleans, explaining...
Three AM and the Stars Were Out
...don't, don't because they know the younger vets shuck off these dark expeditions to me, thinking it's my job, not theirs, because I've done it so long I'm used to...
Wounds, Vines, Scratches, and Names: Signs of Return in Southern Photography
...They highlight its flow, capturing a present that passes even as the shutter closes. They evoke loss. But because a photograph exists, a former present—now past—can return again and again....
Brushes with War
...disappeared into the attic of a wealthy New Jersey family whose daughter gave her life in an effort to educate freed slaves on South Carolina's Sea Islands during the so-called...
Discursive Memorials: Queer Histories in Atlanta's Public Spaces
...built environment and the experiences of its inhabitants—mark the city's particularities. Increasing numbers of cars, trolleys, buses, and taxis enabled movement between downtown and suburbs; rural and urban areas; "colored"...
Quilting Conversation
...Marquetta Johnson Marquetta Johnson, fourth-generation quilter and textile artist, discusses how her quilting techniques have developed over a lifetime, and how she uses her creativity to inspire new generations of...
Leavenworth newspaper
Leavenworth Times. Untitled. October 30, 1887. "There is no State in the Union where a colored man has a better [hope] to ask for a solid Republican support than in...