Nascent Nations: A Review of Chiefdoms, Collapse, and Coalescence in the Early American South
...violence that characterized the post-Mississippian Native landscape altered political relationships between groups. Defense and safety trumped surplus and hierarchy, and new alliances formed between groups such as the Waxhaws, Esaws,...
"Gaps in People's Lacks": James Franco's As I Lay Dying
...boys, Cash and Jewel, are almost killed trying to complete the voyage; her daughter, Dewey Dell, uses the trek as a chance to get into town to try to have...
The Bulletin—May 8, 2013 Connecticut. Despite the scary name, this bug muster is no cause for alarm as magicicadas, the particular type of cyclical cicadas Brood II belongs to, have no mechanism for...
Whiskey and Geography
...of the colonies. On plantations throughout the colonies, a still house was a common outbuilding in which barrels of whiskey were distilled and aged. By independence, small distilleries were everywhere....
On Native Ground: Indigenous Presences and Countercolonial Strategies in Southern Narratives of Captivity, Removal, and Repossession
...relationship between Native Studies and the American South. Why, then, do Indians continue to be mostly absent from the critical and institutional conversations about southern literature? In a 1991 study...
Goin' to Chicago and African American "Great Migrations"
...Great Migration. Between 1916 and 1970, six million African Americans left the cotton fields and segregation of the rural South for northern, midwestern, and western cities, changing the American cultural...
Whole Cloth Chintz Wedding Quilt [ca 1850]
...quilts. The use of chintz in a quilt in 1853 may indicate a lag between the changing fashions of the city and those of upcountry settlements. Still, the type of...
Uncovering Networks of (Mis)Communication in Early America
...theorization becomes most apparent where Dubcovsky vacillates between the historiographically loaded term—the “South”—and la tierra adentro. Dubcovsky devotes only a paragraph to explicating the decision to use "early South" to...
Putting the Hospital into Southern Hospitality
...the convention. When yellow fever receded from northern port cities after 1800, “Charleston proved to be a better host than those places,” McCandless quips, “in part because it was warmer...
Black Markets and the US-Mexico Border
...of the 1920s and later, often met with sharp and widespread disapproval in border societies (22, 41, 113–114). There are critical distinctions, as Díaz notes, between amateur smuggling and professional...