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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Winslow Homer and the American Civil War

Presentation Part 2: Wood details the history of Winslow’s painting, “Near Andersonville.” Part 3: Wood explains Homer’s possible motivations for painting “Near Andersonville Part 4: Examining soldiers in the painting, Wood offers a...

Mother Jones: Back in Alabama

...representatives of labor unions from across the country—longshoremen, flight attendants, municipal employees, as well as members of the United Mine Workers of America from West Virginia, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Pennsylvania,...

A Horrible, Beautiful Beast that monster, the horrifying and grotesque, and yet also strangely romantic space of American racial fantasy. Like anyone else who has studied the history of the US South, when...

The Bulletin—September 4, 2012

...Lewis's "Going South Coming, North: Migration and Union Organizing in Morristown, Tennessee," and Jarod Roll's "'Out Yonder on the Road': Working Class Self-Representation and the 1939 Roadside Demonstration in Southeast...