Enchanting the Desert: Visualizing the Production of Space at the Grand Canyon
Presentation Question and Answer Session About the Speaker Nicholas Bauch is assistant professor of GeoHumanities and director of the Experimental Geography Studio at the University of Oklahoma. In addition to...
Ecologies of the Sacred: A Review of Valérie Loichot's Water Graves
...dehumanization. Der Schlangenbandiger (The Snake Charmer), illustrated in this print, became a mid-twentieth-century Mami Wata icon. Chromolithograph reprinted by the Shree Ram Calendar Company, Bombay, India, 1955. Originally printed by...
Front Page
Lynching and Local History: A Review of Troubled Ground
...South, 2010. Troubled Ground is an excellent addition to this subgenre. Beautifully narrated, it is rich in detail and nuance, while also attentive to the larger context surrounding the story....
A Horrible, Beautiful Beast
...is that monster, the horrifying and grotesque, and yet also strangely romantic space of American racial fantasy. Like anyone else who has studied the history of the US South, when...
Words Like a Fire: MARBL's Kennedy and Sons Collection
...and places in the US South. These posts investigate the geographical, historical, and cultural study of real and imagined southern spaces through the lens of archival sources and materials and...
"No Deadline Short of the Grave": The Photographs of Paul Kwilecki
...(Norton, 2000), among others. Rankin writes frequently about photography and the documentary tradition and his photographs have been widely exhibited. Publication Update In January 2019, Southern Spaces updated this publication as part...
The Bulletin—September 4, 2012
...Lewis's "Going South Coming, North: Migration and Union Organizing in Morristown, Tennessee," and Jarod Roll's "'Out Yonder on the Road': Working Class Self-Representation and the 1939 Roadside Demonstration in Southeast...
Piedmont Blues
Figure 2.1: The Piedmont. Map courtesy of James W. Clay and Paul D. Escott, Land of the South (Birmingham, AL: Oxmoor House, 1989.) Although the Piedmont plateau stretches from New...
Climate Change & Coral Reefs: Global Challenges from a Caribbean Perspective
Presentation About the Speaker James W. Porter is the Meigs Distinguished Professor of Ecology at the University of Georgia and a faculty member in School of Marine Programs, Water Resources and Conservation Ecology. Porter has...