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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

New Adventures in Tandem Ethnography

...a hard time beginning in a plural voice. Also, his voice has previously appeared on the Southern Spaces blog. go film as part of my fieldwork. I propped myself up...

Rose Library Highlights: Amos Kennedy, Jr.

...3-D format, Kennedy also creates posters featuring tongue-in-cheek phrases about southern cultures and identities. In 2014, Southern Spaces published a blog post about Kennedy's "Burnt Church," an artist book inspired by a series...

St. Catherines Island Flyover

...pre-Civil War plantation sites. Map detailing the geography of St. Catherines Island and St. Catherines Sound. Map courtesy of Steve Bransford, Anthony Martin, and Michael Page. Screenshot courtesy of Southern...

COVID-19 Vaccine and the Right to Public Health

...the US and Global South is a collection of interdisciplinary, multimedia publications examining the relationship between public health and specific geographies—both real and imagined—in and across the US and Global South....

Nostalgia May Not Be the Right Word

...awarded the James G. Hanes Poetry Prize by the Fellowship of Southern Writers and the Academy Award in Literature by the American Academy of Arts and Letters. In 2013 he...

Keep Your Eye upon the Scale

...Hall in Onllywyn, South Wales. The video recordings filmed between 1974 and 1976 in South Wales and Appalachia set the stage for John Gaventa's later work with the Highlander Research...