Segregation's Habits and Horrors: The Photographs of O. N. Pruitt
...including the Chicago Defender, Jet, and Afro World. In the 1960s, SNCC used the photograph on posters to promote voting rights in Mississippi. More recently, it was used in the...
Preserving the Memory of Ybor City, Florida
...promotional photographs. Their images depict the Ybor City Museum, a converted Cuban bakery on the grounds of Ybor City State Park. They speak to Ybor City's later role as a...
"I Used That Katrina Water To Master My Flow": Rap Performance, Disaster, and Recovery in New Orleans
...Universal over the years have included manager, friend, and promoter. About half of the people who come through complain about the $5 cover. DJ Jay Skillz has started the night...
Joshua McCarter Simpson's "To the White People of America" (1854)
...the project director and editor-in-chief of Sounding Spirit, a research lab and publishing initiative promoting collaborative engagement with historical American songbooks. Karlsberg is an internationally recognized singer, teacher, composer, and songbook...
When Sunday Comes: Gospel Music in the Soul and Hip-Hop Eras based in Indianapolis, Tyscot begin in 1977 as a vehicle for one of its founders, Leonard Scott, to promote his church choir. The label would add to its roster...
Psychiatry in the Wake: Racism and the Asylumed South
...authority in religious matters, paid inordinate attention to female reproductive organs as the cause of insanity, and promoted a racialized vision of healthy womanhood that ignored the trauma of abuse....
Dixie Destinations: Rereading Jonathan Daniels's A Southerner Discovers the South
Introduction I am planning to leave here shortly after the first of May and follow the main street of the new industrial South from Greensboro to Charlotte, Spartanburg and Greenville;...
The Making of the Arkansas Cemetery Angel: AIDS Activism, Care Work, and Fragmentary Archives in the Life of Ruth Coker Burks
...the American Psychological Association recommended Ruth for the Arkansas Community Service Award with the argument that “Ruth’s efforts in promoting the conference have remained unflagging. Most impressively, Ruth has served...
Family Forestry in Twiggs County, Georgia / Live in Macon at the Douglass Theatre
...In addition to musical recording and touring, Leavell manages his pine forested Charlane Plantation located in Twiggs County, Georgia. To help shape policy and to promote sound forestry management practices...