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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

The Chesapeake Bay

...watershed encompasses parts of six states (New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia). The Bay was formed only 10,000 years ago. Its Algonquian name, which means "Great Shellfish...

A Field Guide to Northeast Alabama

...Murmuration of Starlings (2008), and his poems have appeared in various journals, including Blackbird, Diagram, Greensboro Review, Gulf Coast, H_NGM_N, New Orleans Review, Shenandoah, and Southern Review. Interview with Natasha...

Single Centers of Creation?

...this biogeographical idea; perhaps it is not as simple and straightforward as we thought. Species originate from one place, they disperse, migrate, branch into new species, some die off ....


...that zigzag fence. We tried to picture 23,000 of anything. It wasn't that pretty. The dirt smelled like cats. Nobody knew who the statues were. Where was Stonewall Jackson? We...

Another Failed Poem About the Greeks

...and I made him hold my purse. On the way home he said We should do this again sometime though we both knew it would never happen since he was...


...that tree's duty to that Smell and knew too my duty to tear like a switch through Air, to strike the street's edge in a pair of tattered shoes, Unconnected,...

Artist Repertoire Index

...New Orleans Bound Oh, Red Paparia Open You Big Fat Thighs Poor Boy Rock Me The Root Blues See What You Did to Me Slow Song (I Can’t Go Home)...