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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

History: The Parlor

...Compared with the Evins estate, the household inventory of Mary's maternal grandparents is much less detailed, but nonetheless revealing. When Silas Benson died in 1875, the officials conducting the inventory...

Black. Queer. Southern. Women.

Presentation Part One Black women who influenced Johnson's thinking about literature, folklore, the arts, and "quare theory" while growing up in western North Carolina and when attending UNC–Chapel Hill (5:27)....

Seeing Sound: Mapping Florentine Soundscapes

Presentation Question and Answer Session About the Speaker Niall Atkinson is Neubauer Family Assistant Professor of Art History and the College at the University of Chicago. His publications include The Noisy...

The Morning with Many Tongues

Readings Sean Hill reads the poem "Just as Sure." Poem text. Sean Hill reads the poem "Nigger Street 1937." Poem text. Sean Hill reads the poem "The State House Aflame 1833." Poem text....