The Future of Slavery's Historical Spaces
...for a number of months at Arlington House, explained that visitors sometimes took her aside to ask in hushed tones, "Were there really slaves here?" She also observed that some...
Baton Rouge, Louisiana images
...2004, there were a number of construction projects underway in downtown Baton Rouge. Tourist on Docked Riverboat Modern-day riverboats, decorated like their nineteenth-century predecessors, transport tourists up and down...
"Little Switzerland"
...if you want to enjoy a thousand vernal pleasures, visit Little Switzerland." (Atlanta Constitution (April 27, 1890), p. 8.) Published: 15 January 2008 © 2008 Sarah Toton and Southern Spaces...
Ten Dollars and a Bus Ticket
...she is incarcerated, the recommendations of the parole board, or the number of open beds at the local re-entry facility. 92% of prisoners in Alabama are male, so most of...
...our website, updated our audio and video, and significantly expanded our readership. As an online journal working at the intersection of a number of scholarly disciplines, we find ourselves in...
A Review of Matt Miller's Bounce: Rap Music and Local Identity in New Orleans
...States is here generally broken into a number of subgenres of rap and bounce, though the definitions and boundaries of these categories are fluid and often change according to whom...
The Bulletin—May 29, 2012
...will not approve the plan because it reduces the influence of African American voters across the state. The Alabama Legislative Reapportionment Office details the changes, which reduce the number of...
Confederate Literary Nationalism: Coleman Hutchison's Apples and Ashes
...and the American South, 1848-1865, and Apples and Ashes complement each other very well.) Evans resisted localism and provincialism in Macaria by refusing to ground the novel in a particular...
Love and Death at Second-Line
...earlier that had taken his sight. He dazzled me with his will to learn to live sightless and a few mental tricks memorizing names and numbers. But what's emblazoned on...
Sankofa Series: What Must Be Remembered
...Company dating to ca. 1860.2This passbook is housed in the African American Miscellaneous Collection in Emory University’s Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library. Passbooks were used during...