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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

LiFT Art Salon: Hammonds House

...each visual artist produced work that interpreted homeplace. Stephanie Alvarado offered a spoken word performance about the challenges of finding "home" as a South American émigré to New York City. WERC Crew's...


...from the car, take away the generator, the air conditioner, whatever there was to be had. He watched his phone for a signal, watched the sky for signs of a...

Remnants of Flannery

...What would O'Connor think of so-called "reality" television where a real housewife of New York detaches and throws her prosthetic leg during a fight, à la Joy/Hulga in perhaps O'Connor's...

Gold Records in Deep Space

...Musical Journey (New York: Amistad, 2003), 161.  Wenders wanted the old footage to be "the backbone of the second half of [the] film," revealing more than any contemporary interview.2Ibid. Steve...

Living with the Ghosts of Queer Pasts

...their newsletter, Skip Two Periods, to "Discovering Our Heritage." The writer, "B. F.," wrote about finding her heritage at the Lesbian Herstory Archives in Brooklyn, in Jonathan Ned Katz's book...