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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections


...For Tamara Jones The house is in need of repair, but is— for now, she says—still hers. After the storm, she laid hands on what she could reclaim: the iron...

The Morning with Many Tongues

Readings Sean Hill reads the poem "Just as Sure." Poem text. Sean Hill reads the poem "Nigger Street 1937." Poem text. Sean Hill reads the poem "The State House Aflame 1833." Poem text....

Birth Right

...of maternity care throughout the world. Many developed countries, including several in Western Europe, such as Great Britain, Germany, Ireland, and the Netherlands, use midwives as the primary birthing attendants...

The Bulletin—May 8, 2013 Connecticut. Despite the scary name, this bug muster is no cause for alarm as magicicadas, the particular type of cyclical cicadas Brood II belongs to, have no mechanism for...

Whiskey and Geography

...of the colonies. On plantations throughout the colonies, a still house was a common outbuilding in which barrels of whiskey were distilled and aged. By independence, small distilleries were everywhere....