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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

The Civil War and Emancipation 150 Years On

...latest technology: Princess phones played recorded messages and elaborate electric maps traced troop movements. A Mercury space capsule proudly perched nearby, an incongruous and yet resonant symbol of the unified...

North Carolina: A State of Shock

...2011–2012 and 2012–2013. Even as GOP lawmakers found the funds to create a voucher system for private schools, they reduced the number of openings in the state's highly successful pre-K...

The Future of Slavery's Historical Spaces

Essay At historical plantation sites, where the subject of slavery is difficult to avoid, Park Service interpreters struggle to present the subject in the least offensive manner. Interpreters at Arlington...

A City Divided

...on Atlanta's burgeoning population growth, black and white, though the real-estate agents were acutely aware of the tight housing market. The meeting attendees concluded that, "for the best interests of...

COVID-19: Lessons in Ignorance

...Scoring 83.5 out of 100 possible points, the US was deemed "best prepared" in the world.5Elizabeth E. Cameron, Jennifer B. Nuzzo, Jessica A. Bell, et al, Building Collective Action and...

End of the Pandemic? A Grassroots Perspective

...theories. Her fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in Cream City Review, SmokeLong Quarterly, Indiana Review, Passages North, Best of the Net 2023, Best Small Fictions 2023, and elsewhere. In 2021, the Georgia Writers Association...