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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

The Battle of Atlanta: History and Remembrance

...of the Ohio, together numbered approximately one hundred thousand troops as they approached the city, but only about twenty-seven thousand of them fought in the Battle of Atlanta.11Woodworth, Nothing But...

Cajun South Louisiana

...the Canary Islands, and such Native American tribes as the Houma, Bayou Goula, and Choctaw. A big aligator, about 800 lbs. Photograph by ST Blessing. Courtesy of The Miriam and...

Africana Archives: Making Art at the Schomburg

...descent. With collections numbering in excess of ten million items including books, manuscripts, correspondence, personal and professional papers of individuals, archived records of Africana institutions and organizations, as well as...