Inside the Jackson Tract: The Battle Over Peonage Labor Camps in Southern Alabama, 1906
Introduction Location of Lockhart, Alabama, 2012. On a warm spring day in 1904, former governor of Maryland and lumberman E. E. Jackson, along with several associates, traveled to Alabama to...
Back to the Future: Mapping Workers Across the Global South
...of southern deindustrialization and Asian labor markets. Who makes what where, when, and why depends on a chase around the globe for cheap labor that involves overlapping waves of industrialization...
Jim Crow Journeys: An Excerpt from Traveling Black
...importunes you to the point of rage to buy cheap candy, Coca-Cola, and worthless, if not vulgar, books." Segregated waiting room at Union Station railroad depot, Jacksonville, Florida, 1921. Photograph...
"Puerto Ricans Live Free": Race, Language, and Orlando's Contested Soundscape
..."the cultural system of ideas about social and linguistic relationships, together with their loading of moral and political interests."5Judith T. Irvine, "When Talk Isn't Cheap: Language and Political Economy," American...
Unearthing the Weeping Time: Savannah's Ten Broeck Race Course and 1859 Slave Sale
...of prodding and inspection by prospective buyers, the enslaved suffered through the two-day sale. Some stood stoically, resignedly, attempting to keep their dignity, while buyers poked, pinched, and fondled them,...
The Countryside Transformed: The Eastern Shore of Virginia, the Pennsylvania Railroad, and the Creation of a Modern Landscape
...increase from forty-four to sixty-seven the number of post offices in Accomack and Northampton counties. The advent of the railroad in 1884 further stimulated the establishment of post offices both...
Six Degrees of Alan Lomax: A Review and Multimedia Excerpts
...1235–1255; Bernard, The Cajuns; Jacques Henry, "Le CODOFIL dans le mouvement francophone en Louisiane," Présence Francophone, 43 (1993): 27–28; Jacques Henry, "The Louisiana French Movement: Actors and Actions in Social...
Low-Wage Legacies, Race, and the Golden Chicken in Mississippi: Where Contemporary Immigration Meets African American Labor History
...that white workers increasingly found new opportunities elsewhere, chicken plants faced an ever mounting need for cheap labor. Mississipi's method, pamphlet, n.d. Courtesy of the Mississippi Department of Archives and...
Memphis: Cotton Fields, Cargo Planes, and Biotechnology
...distribution and have generated wealth. But the consequences of those decisions, and others, especially those connected with "selling" Memphis by offering typically southern industrial recruitment incentives, marketing cheap land and...
Starlit Screens: Preserving Place and Public at Drive-In Theaters
...During the Depression few people were willing to spring for the price of tickets, and drive-ins slowly appeared on the outskirts of other urban areas, such as Galveston, Texas, Los...