Advanced Search
Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

End of the Pandemic? A Grassroots Perspective

...temporary measures for the betterment and aid of our community members. Rooted in southwest Atlanta with a Black queer feminist politic, ESA's work aims to reach those most marginalized through...

The Medicalized Border and the Politics of Exclusion

...showing the locations of Brownsville, Laredo, and Eagle Pass, 1882. Courtesy of Library of Congress Geography and Map Division, catalog number 98688791. Fevered Measures surveys smallpox and yellow fever epidemics...

Katrina + 5: An X-Code Exhibition

...RIGHT QUADRANT — Personal hazards. BOTTOM QUADRANT — Number of live and dead victims still inside the structure. ["0" = no victims] National Urban Search and Rescue (US&R) Response System,...

Undoing the Voting Rights Act

...racial disparity burdens only a small number of minority voters in a small, rural polling place, does the relatively "small" size of the harm argue against a finding of a...

Brown, Black, and White in Texas

...rights struggles occurred simultaneously. Despite repeated calls for cooperation and a number of examples of interethnic alliances, African Americans and Mexican Americans ultimately 'fought their own battles'" (2). Behnken examines...