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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Ossabaw Island Flyover

...Digital Scholarship. His documentary feature film The Well-Placed Weed is available on the PBS website and app. Michael Page is lecturer in Geospatial Sciences and Technology at Emory University. Leotie...

Southern Spaces Recommends, October 2020

...they are up to no good. It's a lighthearted and bloody good time that has a lot to say about conceptions of Appalachia that are propagated through popular culture and...

Elegy for the Native Guards

Poem Elegy for the Native Guards Now that the salt of their blood Stiffens the saltier oblivion of the sea . . . —Allen Tate We leave Gulfport at noon;...

Nigger Street 1937

McIntosh Street the sign reads like the apple     red but not red delicious red     but red like redeye gravy on grits at Gus's or red like stoplights but...

History: The Parlor

...county probate records, which not only inventoried and appraised household furnishings, but occasionally indicated the location of items within the house. The late-nineteenth-century inventory of the estate of Harriet Evins...

Rosa Snoddy's Handkerchief Quilt [ca 1905]

...the handkerchiefs and sashing strips with a sewing machine to make the small quilt top. When Rosa quilted it, however, she did not take a haphazard approach, but used a...

Early Roller Coaster Patents

"A flurry of patents [for roller coaster designs] issued in 1884 coincides approximately with Thompson's ride at Coney Island. The patents of Wood (US #291,261 Circular Gravity-Railway) and Stevens (US...

I Find Joy In the Cemetery Trees

...branches and watch the exhausted laborers from the Burgreen Construction Company sit down in the shade, unwrapping their ham and salami and popping open their thermoses. Apparently, they too are...

Self-Portrait at a Bend in the Road

...there. One of us is leaving. One of us is already gone. "Self-Portrait At A Bend in the Road" first appeared in The Northwest Review and will appear in Persons...