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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Brick by Brick: Atlanta’s Collier Heights

...Interior, National Park Service, National Register of Historic Places Registration Form: Collier Heights Historic District Application, NPS Form 10-900,OMB No. 1024-0018, received by NPS May 15, 2009, Map of...

MARBL Highlights: The Black Comic Books Collection

...the first black-owned comic book series to reach national acclaim, Brotherman sold approximately 750,000 issues worldwide on the independent circuit. Before Dwayne McDuffie’s Milestone Comics made a splash by adding numerous black...

Shaping a Southern Soundscape the South and changing understandings of authenticity. Miller avoids the familiar approaches to the study of "southern music" in which scholars focus on a particular genre or kind of...

Selma Bridge: Always Under Construction

...Charles J. Dean, "McCain Visits Gees Bend Quilters," Birmingham News, April 21, 2008. Besides the Black Belt gig, a T-shirt for the Forgotten Places Tour would have read: Appalachia; Youngstown,...


...photographs with a Holga, a "toy" camera that some serious photographers, in this age of digital refinement, appreciate for the imprecision and unpredictability of its simple plastic lens. Light leaks...

The Bulletin—November 15, 2012

...appear on the map as dense blue dots surrounded by rings of pink. The map illustrates how elections are decided on an urban/suburban basis, as Lydia DePillis argued in The...

The Bulletin—May 29, 2012

...will not approve the plan because it reduces the influence of African American voters across the state. The Alabama Legislative Reapportionment Office details the changes, which reduce the number of...