A City Divided
...on Atlanta's burgeoning population growth, black and white, though the real-estate agents were acutely aware of the tight housing market. The meeting attendees concluded that, "for the best interests of...
Keywords for Southern Studies: An Introduction
...personally understands it. The result is a collection that is contingent and fragmentary, but capacious enough to hold side by side various disciplinary and theoretical approaches, generational affinities, and intellectual...
Has Historical GIS Arrived?: A Review of Toward Spatial Humanities
Flatlands in the Outlands: Photographs from the Delta and Bayou
...places of return or retreat, places that hold personal memories, aesthetic appeal, or the promise of renewed connection with the land. Four of the photographers grew up in the Delta...
The South as Foil: A Review of This Is Not Dixie
...racism, the vulnerability of blacks, and the brutality of the racial order" (1). He deploys a more capacious approach, encompassing sensational violence (lynchings, race riots, mobbing, killing-by-police, and homicides), threatened...
Queer Memory: Loss, Martyrs, and Memorialization in Southern Florida
...the best sandwich. You walk back to your bungalow; people smile at you and comment on your huaraches, your straw hat: your carefully planned island wardrobe. You seem to fit...
The "Achilles' Heel" of Jim Crow: A Review of Landscapes of Exclusion
...schools in a desperate attempt to convince federal courts that separate could be equal. White officials tried in vain to give the appearance of equality to spaces and institutions conceived...
"Holding on to Those Who Can't Be Held": Reenacting a Lynching at Moore's Ford, Georgia
...dialogue? Those who organize and participate in the annual reenactment argue passionately among themselves: Should performers strive for historical verisimilitude by wearing period-appropriate dress and deploying period-appropriate artifacts, including a...
Brushes with War
...setting—SAAM's home in the Old Patent Office—could not have been more appropriate. Walt Whitman called the stately edifice, designed by Charleston-born architect Robert Mills, "that noblest of Washington buildings." He...
The Supreme Court Is Overturning Brown v. Board of Education
...of voucher programs financed by state appropriations and state tax credits. Together these voucher programs are diverting more than $2.1 billion annually to private schools. That sum is larger than...