The Podcast and the Police: S‑Town and the Narrative Form of Southern Queerness
...Chicago, and California, it is somewhat understandable that the national imaginary continues to picture LGBTQ+ people as living mostly in the urban centers of the North and West. What is...
Something True about Louisiana: HBO's True Detective and the Petrochemical America Aesthetic
...and regret, knowing that the case that made them famous was a sham, muster their lives towards the righting of a single wrong. Rust and Marty know that this righting...
Shared Space, Separate Pasts: Versions of Slavery in Charleston
...evil." South Carolina senator John C. Calhoun, revered by white Charlestonians, argued in 1837 that slavery was a "positive good" that benefited both masters and slaves (96). White Charlestonians seeking...
Ethnic Cleansing and the Trail of Tears: Cherokee Pasts, Places, and Identities
...American Revolution when a handful of prescient leaders in mountain towns of what is today Tennessee, Georgia, and North Carolina ascertained that the long knife republic was not going to...
Oak Ridgidness: Lindsey Freeman’s Longing for the Bomb public domain. Given this exhaustive historiography, Freeman acknowledges that she did not write a "predatory book" that "devours" extant scholarship. Instead, her work fills an unstudied gap (4), emphasizing...
Unhappy Trails in the Big Easy: Public Spaces and a Square Called Congo governments answerable to working-class voters. That attitude is still embalmed in the bevy of quasi-public appointive boards and commissions that constitute much of the governance in modern-day New Orleans....
Renewing Multimedia Scholarly Publishing: A Streamlined and Mobile-Friendly Design for Southern Spaces
Southern Spaces is proud to launch a fresh design for our journal today, stage one in a two-stage rollout of our newly redeveloped publishing platform. The new design emphasizes visual...
The Vanished World of the New Orleans Longshoreman
...suburb of Lakeview and virtually all of New Orleans East undeveloped at that time, the population density was double that of today. The city's wharves extended upriver from beyond the...
A Sleight of History: University of Alabama's Foster Auditorium
...that represents tangible social change, we focused upon a few key images. Inside, we saw a furnace that was radiating heat. No one seemed aware that this space was still...
On Native Ground: Indigenous Presences and Countercolonial Strategies in Southern Narratives of Captivity, Removal, and Repossession
...with eight Seminole Indians, who speak "good English;" we are also told that Mrs. Johns knows at least one Seminole phrase, and that any negotiations that take place can be...