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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

I-26, Corridor of Change

...promoted as a safe alternative to the existing road and as an economic boon to the area. Old US Route 19-23 was a steep, winding, unimproved two-lane shared by school...

Gold Records in Deep Space

...the nostalgic reminiscences of a collector's career. Roots music, both the new iterations produced today as well as earlier songs and styles that continue to circulate, is often placed at...

Sea Changes in Personhood

...face has African features and closed eyes. It is covered by coral and sea moss and barnacles that create a visual illusion of alert, open eyes. The image embodies the...

Open Educational Resources at Southern Spaces

...more collections forthcoming as the journal continues to innovate in critical regional studies, digital scholarship, and open access publishing. Educational resources currently available include: African American Art and Aesthetic Experiences...

Tuskegee Airmen: Brett Gadsden Interviews J. Todd Moye Sunflower County, Mississippi, 1945-1986 (2003). About Brett Gadsden Brett Gadsden is assistant professor of African American Studies at Emory University. He received his PhD in history from Northwestern University....