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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Transcript: Interview with Jim Bunkley

...did you start playing guitar? Jim Bunkley: I came up, my brothers had one, and me and my sister used to get up on a chair because we couldn’t hold...

Stand & Witness: Art in the Time of COVID-19

...device, you’ll need to click the upward-facing arrow next to “10 Items” to reveal hotspots. Introduction In many ways, artists are first responders—to repurpose a term often used in public...

Rethinking the Geography of Lynching

...was "less deep" but because conditions differed so greatly between the sections" (101). Lynching Beyond Dixie also has the laudable effect of bringing otherwise forgotten lives back into the historical narrative....

Vernacular and Universal Prejudice

...if publication is refused. This exhibition of unashamed aggression on the part of the "respectable" must give us pause. The threat of open violence, accompanied by the use of lower...

Artist Repertoire Index

This list represents the songs George Mitchell recorded in the Lower Chattahoochee region between 1969 and 1982.   Bailey, Golden (1976) The Buck The Dog John Henry Sally Got the...

Southwestern Humor: The Beginning of "Grit Lit"

...a deliberately disruptive way." Interestingly, Gray uses this description of the genre in a book called Southern Aberrations: Writers of the American South and the Problems of Regionalism (2000) and...