An Excerpt from The Lesbian South: Southern Feminists, the Women in Print Movement, and the Queer Literary Canon
...blankly, whether they noticed them or not. This is because "the South" has always been an imagined community, based in wish fulfillment and aspiration, that depends upon deliberate unlooking. It...
Voting Rights, the Supreme Court, and the Persistence of Southern History
...jurisdictions see "Section 5 Covered Jurisdictions," United States Department of Justice, accessed May 21, 2013, Congress enacted Section 5 because state and local officials habitually obstructed the voting rights...
Mountaintop Removal in Central Appalachia
...the head of a hollow that is used for waste disposal. Then, reclamation (i.e., attempts to restore the area to a useful standard) occurs. This involves using the graded and...
Writing Appalachia
...are, for example, obvious similarities between the poor mountain whites of Murfree and Fox, and their counterparts in the work of lowland southern authors Caldwell and O'Connor, who are not...
Haiti and the Fear of Insurrection: A Review of The Slaveholding Crisis
...The Slaveholding Crisis: Fear of Insurrection and the Coming of the Civil War, Hale's lurid images and graphic language resonated with many white southerners fearful about the lessons a free...
Petrochemical America, Petrochemical Addiction
...the flares and safety lights of apocalyptic refineries. It meant joining my father and uncles at sea, working on platforms. The closets in my parents' house tell the history of...
Social Justice Environmentalism
...either side of the Mason-Dixon line, the contemporary policing of racialized spaces—all can be understood not only as battle lines in freedom struggles but also as unacknowledged elements of urban...
Taming Southern Waters: Christopher J. Manganiello’s Southern Water, Southern Power
...New Deal (1930–1944), and Sunbelt (post-1945). Although he acknowledges that the boundaries between them are hardly distinct, Manganiello uses these periods to explore the individuals and groups who controlled riverine...
American Coast, Imperiled Energy: Jason P. Theriot’s American Energy, Imperiled Coast
...serve as a "free" sediment diversion. Insidiously, a major cause of land loss—the industry's crisscrossing landscape of canals and its contribution to climate change and rising sea levels—is what calls...
Reconsidering Appalachian Studies
...research, writing, and creativity established by Appalachian Studies. Those in the field need not worry that their hard-won insights will be lost or not attended to, because the next generation...