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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

The Civil War and Emancipation 150 Years On

...better this time. And they are. While it is easy to find people to spout the old Confederate party lines (largely because they tend to cluster together in obvious places,...

Lyrics to Pretty Saro

...and this I understand She wants a freeholder and I've got no land But I could maintain her on silver and gold And as many of the fine things as...

Gold Records in Deep Space

...Seaberg, Ronnog Seaberg, and J.B. Lenoir in the 1965 footage. The Soul of a Man, 2003. Documentary filmmakers have used reenactments since the genre's beginnings. In Nanook of the North...

A Horrible, Beautiful Beast

...stories' version. The old white supremacist, Lost Cause telling of the past has died and in its place sprout multiple shoots. It is exactly this new liberal standard that Kara...

Beyond Fairyland: Writing and Curating Queer Miami

...they are often given few opportunities to better understand its complicated past. Cuban refugees aboard the Captain Preston who came to the United States during the Mariel Boatlift, Miami, Florida,...

Retelling Virginia's Migration History

...of return migration would have paralleled many travelers' comings and goings between continents. John Smith’s story questions the dichotomy between "immigrant" and "colonist," or "settler.” Among the other eight profiles...

MARBL Highlights: The Black Comic Books Collection

Big City Bird’s Eye View. Artistic rendering by Dawud Anyabwile. Courtesy of Dawud Anyabwile. Antonio Valor. Character drawing by Dawud Anybwile. Courtesy of Dawud Anyabwile. Emory University’s Manuscript, Archives, and...