Cultural Life in a "Chocolate City": A Review of Natalie Hopkinson's Go-Go Live
...Rather than focus on musicians, promoters, and others associated with the music industry, Hopkinson draws upon interviews with an array of participants—including collectors of live recordings, urban wear designers, suburban...
Collaborative Atlanta Studies Website Gathers Original Scholarship, Research, and Projects on Atlanta
...6. "The growth and the collaboration are a credit to the leadership Emory has shown in building a digital scholarship center and promoting digital humanities," Hatfield says. "All of our...
New Digital Archive of Hiphop and Bounce Music in New Orleans
...also worked as a promoter, artist manager, and musician within the New Orleans hiphop community since 2008. She is a writer for the popular music website, The Smoking Section, and...
New Adventures in Tandem Ethnography the corner of the room, making small talk in Cajun French even though my "project" tries to avoid nativist ideologies about Louisiana culture.2For instance, the ideologies that promote a...
Desegregation, Delaware, and Civil Rights Liberalism: A Review of Brett Gadsden's Between North and South
...these pages is ideally suited for the reevaluation of civil rights liberalism that Gadsden promotes. Between North and South's focus on Delaware also allows for a critique of some facile...
Unquiet Emmett Till
Review Emmett Till continues to torment our imaginations. How could two (and almost certainly more) grown men, veterans, over six feet tall, see a fourteen year old kid as such...
African Americans in Atlanta: Adrienne Herndon, an Uncommon Woman
...promoted her debut through advertisements and well-placed references, Adrienne succeeded in gaining the attention of more than ten Boston area newspapers. For the most part, the reviews were glowing. "She...
Remnants of Flannery
...calls her "flanvas," which she made herself.6Ibid. Travis Ekmark's art for the zine. Portrait by Travis Ekmark. Courtesy of Travis Ekmark and Brooke Hatfield. During a July 29 event to promote...
Race, Capitalism, and the Rise and Fall of Black Beach Communities
Review Building on a rich literature that explores the spatial dimensions of US race relations and capital formation, Andrew Kahrl's The Land Was Ours traces the histories of African American...
Joshua McCarter Simpson's "To the White People of America" (1854)
...the project director and editor-in-chief of Sounding Spirit, a research lab and publishing initiative promoting collaborative engagement with historical American songbooks. Karlsberg is an internationally recognized singer, teacher, composer, and songbook...