The Other Side of Paradise: Glimpsing Slavery in the University's Utopian Landscapes
...their best friend they called him. But 1966, you know, that was two years before they even admitted the first black student to study on this campus. They'd happily plant...
Jake Adam York Interviews Sandra Beasley
...from Passages North at Northern Michigan University. Her poems have appeared in anthologies such as The Best American Poetry 2010, Poetry Daily, Verse Daily, and Best New Poets 2005 and...
Unhappy Trails in the Big Easy: Public Spaces and a Square Called Congo
...laying out the history of the city’s best known squares—Jackson, Lafayette, and Washington, even the trapezoidal Coliseum Square—and useful accounts of how and when the town’s multitudinous vegetable patches gave...
2014 Phillis Wheatley Poetry Reading
...The Best American Poetry, and in Nikki Giovanni's 100 Best African American Poems. Brown holds a PhD from the University of Houston, an MFA from the University of New Orleans,...
An Unlikely Bohemia: Athens, Georgia, in Reagan's America
...Most critics panned it. New York Rocker captured the prevailing sentiment: "This best-dressed act doesn't know what to do for an encore." Still, a lot of Athens folks headed down...
Memorializing the Freedom Riders end segregation—before the fiftieth anniversary of the bus burning occurs in 2011. A racially violent past is best addressed not by erasing its traces on the landscape, but by...
Ecologies of the Sacred: A Review of Valérie Loichot's Water Graves
...constrain the work of healing or moving beyond the unritual.5bell hooks, "Beyoncé's Lemonade is capitalist money-making at its best," in The Guardian, May 11, 2016, As bell hooks points...
Submission Guidelines
...and media essays, videos, presentations, reviews, blog posts, and monographs. The best way to determine if your work would be a good fit for our journal is to browse the...
Reconsidering Appalachian Studies
...varying scholarly norms and expectations, the field has to strive for the best understanding and interpretation of the region and people. Appalachia deserves no less. Despite these problems, could it be...
Queer Memory: Loss, Martyrs, and Memorialization in Southern Florida
...the best sandwich. You walk back to your bungalow; people smile at you and comment on your huaraches, your straw hat: your carefully planned island wardrobe. You seem to fit...