Closer to the Ground: A Conversation with Ann Pancake
...Review's ten best fiction books of 2007. Most recently Pancake was chosen as the first recipient of the Barry Lopez Visiting Writer Fellowship at the University of Hawaii. This interview...
COVID-19: Lessons in Ignorance
...311–328. The largest public health cataclysm in a hundred years has put to the test assumptions, capacities, decisions, practices, and policies. In many ways, the United States has been found wanting,...
The Medicalized Border and the Politics of Exclusion
...virus spread throughout Mexico, and subsequently the world. The United States media labeled the strain the "swine flu" or "Mexican flu," connections solidified with the coverage of the first recorded...
The Digital Yoknapatawpha Project
...strongly to participate in and include this type of work towards tenure and promotion. Scholars are trying to figure out how to best represent these types of efforts in their...
Somewhere Like Real Life: On Richard Linklater's Boyhood that the best we can do in most cases is piece together bits of information about the lives of others. Given this incomplete knowledge, we're better off not passing...
LiFT Art Salon: Hammonds House II appreciate smelly old books, discolored newspapers, and indecipherable manuscripts. I blame my parents—after all, they planted the seed that is now blossoming into full-blown archive fever. #DareToBe promotional materials,...
Local Color
...color writers might be seen as promoting a separatist view of region through their attention to difference and unique detail, but they might also be seen as arguing an early...
Plantation Romances and Slave Narratives: Symbiotic Genres seem to have been unable to avoid using the form not only to promote their way of life but also to express their deep anxieties about it. Plantation Romances...
Opening Remarks: 2014 Callaloo Conference
...the United States (2012–2014). She directs the Creative Writing Program at Emory University. Many of her poems first appeared in various forms in Callaloo, a journal that for her serves...
Daily Life, State Power, and Theory in the Lonestar State: A Review of Robert Wuthnow's Rough Country
...Rough Country, in the spirit of Wuthnow's earlier work, is at its best when it takes the risk of linking social theories to empirical evidence. Wuthnow manages to avoid the...