Renewing Multimedia Scholarly Publishing: A Streamlined and Mobile-Friendly Design for Southern Spaces
...for free in an easy to install form. As we proudly launch our new design today we look forward to sharing our open source journal-in-a-box distribution in the days to...
Geographies of Gardening: Ryan Gainey Discusses Figs
...botany and cultural study. The completed documentary, "The Well-Place Weed: The Bountiful Life of Ryan Gainey," is available for free viewing on Vimeo. About the Author Steve Bransford completed his...
The Vanished World of the New Orleans Longshoreman
...while they often performed difficult and dangerous work, both black and white longshoremen enjoyed steady employment at a decent wage. Life as a longshoreman also offered a degree of freedom...
Ways of Unseeing: Crowdsourcing the Frame in Roger May's Looking at Appalachia
...Kentucky, or Pat Jarret's photograph of the Freedom Industries' chemical spill site in Charleston, West Virginia (Figures 21, 22). Other "natural settings" alter these frames: does Amanda Greene's North Georgia...
A Video Excerpt from The Well-Placed Weed: The Bountiful Life of Ryan Gainey
...explained in his 1993 book The Well-Placed Weed from which our documentary takes its title. Gainey's gardens feature a fascinating give-and-take between the structured and the free-flowing. Looking into Ryan...