Mother Jones: Back in Alabama
Blog post Mother Jones died ninety years ago, but she was back in Alabama this July. It was not her first visit to the state. She came to Birmingham and...
...Louisiana State University Press. What Travels With Us is the winner of the 2005 Weatherford Award from the Appalachian Studies Association and Berea College, as well as the Southern Independent...
A Video Excerpt from The Well-Placed Weed: The Bountiful Life of Ryan Gainey
...gardeners work to eliminate weeds, but Gainey would allow them to pop up in certain areas. To visitors, these would appear as happy accidents, but they were deliberate, as Gainey...
The Morning with Many Tongues
...was a Wallace Stegner Fellow in Poetry. Hill's poems have appeared in Callaloo, Ploughshares, Pleiades, Crab Orchard Review, DIAGRAM, The Oxford American, Tin House, and other literary journals, and in...
Country Music Scholar
...honky tonk of the oil boom with older Appalachian music Part 4: Malone discusses the commercialization of rural southern music first as “hillbilly” and later as “country” Part 5: Malone discusses relationships...
Jake Adam York Interviews Natasha Trethewey
...Murder Ballads (2005), and A Murmuration of Starlings (2008). A third volume, Persons Unknown is forthcoming in October 2010. His poems have appeared in various journals, including Blackbird, Diagram, Greensboro...
James Holland, Riverkeeper: Environmental Protection along the Altamaha
...within the watershed and without, to honor him, and to thank him. They came from Tattnall County, Appling County, Wayne County, Toombs, Jeff Davis, McIntosh, Telfair. They came from Atlanta,...
Call for Submissions: Remembering COVID-19
...South. We encourage interdisciplinary perspectives, critical approaches to space and place, and work that foregrounds the pandemic perspectives and experiences of BIPOC and other marginalized groups. "Remember," 2021. Collage by...
MARBL Presents Atlanta Intersections: Jesse Peel on the Geography of Atlanta's LGBT Community
...of answering serious questions with humor. Peel's approach invites the audience to participate in thinking about difficult topics ranging from family disapproval of homosexuality, alienation from one's childhood community, fear...
A Mess of Poke
...certain appeal for the urban palate. Take my friend Esther, who bought a well-illustrated book on fungi and became an expert identifier of edible mushrooms. She now scours her Chamblee,...