Roadside Architecture
...the buildings' outward appearance, and I find beauty in that—an almost Emersonian correspondence of principle and form. I showed many of these photographs to a curator a year or two...
An Upcountry Legacy: Mary Black's Family Quilts
...ordinary objects that remain from past generations, must be examined in "new and imaginative ways" to achieve "a different appreciation for what life is today, and was in the past."...
Sankofa Series: What Must Be Remembered
...for their assistance with all Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book materials and extends deepest appreciation to Dr. Leslie Harris for her expert analysis of slavery's material culture. ...
Placeholder: Carolina Poems of Love and Labor
Readings Allison Hedge Coke reads her poem "The Change." Poem text. Allison Hedge Coke reads her poem "Off Season." Poem text. Allison Hedge Coke reads her poem "Packin' Four Corner Nabs." Poem text....
Carolina's Caribbean Origins: A Review of Hubs of Empire
Review Any historical account requires a framing device—temporal, thematic, or geographical—establishing the scope of enquiry. A Caribbean history typically invokes fairly settled geographical parameters that delimit the area to insular...
Imagining Southern Bodies: A Review of Sex, Sickness, and Slavery
...seems more obvious, especially as it applies to women and blacks in the antebellum South. The late Marli Weiner, a professor of history at the University of Maine, demonstrates convincingly...
The Medicalized Border and the Politics of Exclusion
...boy I was vaccinated at the age usually done in Mexico . . . which I want you to understand is that the doctor appears insensible to the just reasons...
Renewing Multimedia Scholarly Publishing: A Streamlined and Mobile-Friendly Design for Southern Spaces and publishing platform for future use while retroactively applying it to the journal's previously published works. Redeveloping our site ensures that our content remains accessible as the web changes....
Retelling Virginia's Migration History
Review Photographer unknown, Unidentified miners from southwest Virginia, 1930s. Courtesy of the Library of Virginia. Amid the current wave of anti-immigrant sentiment, numerous US cities and states are reexamining their...
Changing Places, Changing Lives
...slaves were in fact other migrants who had established themselves over a number of years" (223). This admission leaves readers wondering what Pargas might have gleaned had he approached his...