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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

North Carolina: A State of Shock

...of straight ticket votes are by Democrats), shorten the early voting calendar, (Democratic voters are thirty percent more likely to vote early than Republicans), ban same-day registration during early voting,...

Besieged Terrain

...evidently of most people, every place or thing has become merely a property exactly equaled by its market price" (ix). Reece and Krupa hope that by taking their students to...

Single Centers of Creation?

...vioscai Southern Red Salamander Plethodon serratus Southern Red-backed Salamander Eurycea cirrigera* Southern Two-lined Salamander Plethodon ventralis (formerly dorsalis) Southern Zigzag Salamander[SC] Plethodon welleri ventromaculatus Spotbelly Salamander [SC] Desmognathus conanti Spotted...

Brushes with War

...Art, provides a different but equally absorbing experience. The weighty book, produced handsomely by Yale University Press, is carefully researched, clearly written, and brimming with illustrations. More enduring than the...