No Place To Be Displaced: Katrina Response and the Deep South's Political Economy
...significant barrier to health and human services in the Midlands.18United Way of the Midlands, Facing Facts: United Way of the Midlands Update for 2004: A Study of Issues That Shape...
Segregation's New Geography: The Atlanta Metro Region, Race, and the Declining Prospects for Upward Mobility
...counties combined (250,885). The numbers of African American residents in "diversifying" Fayette, northern Fulton, and Gwinnett counties each approximately doubled over the course of the decade; the numbers in Henry...
The Tennessee Jamboree: Local Radio, the Barn Dance, and Cultural Life in Appalachian East Tennessee
...and constructed over the airwaves an idealized aural representation of a southern Appalachian small town's culture. Rural Radio The introduction of radio into the rural United States in the 1920s...
Hoboken Style: Meaning and Change in Okefenokee Sacred Harp Singing
...but the Okefenokee regional tradition cannot be understood without examining its symbiotic relationship with Primitive Baptist hymnody. Members of the national Sacred Harp network (myself included) now inextricably link this...
Wherein the South Differs from the North: Naming Persons, Naming Places, and the Need for Visionary Geographies
...such tactical allies as Picasso and Alfred North Whitehead, she remained a fascinated student of past and present life in the United States, from the time she began writing The...
An Unlikely Bohemia: Athens, Georgia, in Reagan's America
...towns. Gentrification is occurring, but the area remains relatively cheap, isolated, hard to get to, and modest, especially outside the historic districts and areas close to campus. And somehow, within...
Dirty Decade: Rap Music and the US South, 1997–2007
...particular place can only produce a limited number of marketable artists) and, to a lesser degree, speculative exploration (that going to obscure places might yield a novel interpretation of the...
Crossing Over: Sustainability, New Urbanism, and Gentrification in Austin, Texas
...Gentrification from the Ground Up (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2006). The literature on gentrification in Austin links the city's emphasis on environmental sustainability as a competitive advantage to externalities that...
Patchwork Freedoms: Law, Slavery, and Race beyond Cuba's Plantations
...(Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2016), chapter 5. On the United States and with a focus on legal consciousness as well, Dylan Penningroth, The Claims of Kinfolk: African...
Putting the Vernacular in Modernism: A Review of Edward Comentale's Sweet Air
...doubled, at once opening and closing, losing and then finding itself in its own cheap performance" (180). These kinds of juxtapositions are the crux of what Comentale identifies as "vernacular...