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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Sams Gap, North Carolina the Bear Branch exit because of the run-off from I-26, Sams Gap, NC, 1995. Photo courtesy of Rob Amberg. NCDOT boundary marker, near Sams Gap and the Appalachian Trail,...

The Southern Quarterly's Special Issue on Natasha Trethewey

...its terrible beauty, its violent and troubled past,"2Natasha Trethewey, "How Seamus Heaney Influenced Poet Laureate Natasha Trethewey," The Daily Beast, September 3, 2013,, quoted in Joan Wylie Hall, "Guest...

Shadows along the Waccamaw

...His poems have appeared in various print and online journals, including Mid-American Review, Prairie Schooner, Southern Review, Virginia Quarterly Review, Greensboro Review, Backwards City Review, and Southeast Review. Interview with...

Jake Adam York Interviews Sandra Beasley

...she has been published in journals such as AGNI online, The Believer, Barrelhouse, Blackbird, Black Warrior Review, Copper Nickel, Gulf Coast, and POETRY. As a student at the University of...

MARBL Highlights: The Black Comic Books Collection

Big City Bird’s Eye View. Artistic rendering by Dawud Anyabwile. Courtesy of Dawud Anyabwile. Antonio Valor. Character drawing by Dawud Anybwile. Courtesy of Dawud Anyabwile. Emory University’s Manuscript, Archives, and...

The Bulletin—June 12, 2012

...a Task Force on Digital Scholarship to assess the state of digital scholarship in the historical profession, evaluate tenure and promotion practices and graduate training, and issue guidelines for the evaluation...

Rose Library Highlights: Amos Kennedy, Jr.

Amos Kennedy Print, Kennedy and Sons Collection, Emory University Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library. On March 15, 2016, acclaimed printmaker Amos Kennedy, Jr. participated in a public conversation about...

At Sun Ra's Grave

...hat and bedsheet robe, and even the house is gone, the room where you played by radio light, slowly casting off your names. * Now derelicts keep the rails from...

Quilting Conversation

...Marquetta Johnson Marquetta Johnson, fourth-generation quilter and textile artist, discusses how her quilting techniques have developed over a lifetime, and how she uses her creativity to inspire new generations of...