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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Gold Records in Deep Space, we simply watch this collector, Joe Bussard, as he listens to records in his basement. Director Edward Gillan includes one reenactment, not of an event in the life of...

History: The Parlor

...activity, but instead of reading individually and silently, the family was likely to listen to someone reading aloud. Typically, the man of the house would read aloud, while women engaged...

Tuscaloosa: Riversong

...of two books of poetry, The Gospel of Barbecue (Kent State University, 2000), which won the 1999 Stan and Tom Wick Prize for Poetry and was the finalist for the...

Call for Submissions: Spatial Justice

...for a list of previous Southern Spaces publications that exemplify the range of interdisciplinary work we seek. As part of this series, we will publish peer-reviewed digital projects. Please contact us if...


Introduction When we examine a nest, we place ourselves at the origin of confidence in the world. —Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space1Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space (New York:...

The Liminal Site well, considering Birmingham, if at all, as a kind of poor man's or proto-Atlanta, itself a kind of poor man's or proto-Los Angeles of simulacra and abstract capitalist space.16Edward...