1108 Dynamite Hill
...Daniel King, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s brother. Participants in the Montgomery bus boycott in 1955–56 faced a dilemma: retaliating against Black protestors' refusal to ride the busses, the city...
"Rights Still Being Righted": Scottsboro Eighty Years Later
...attending, their presence straining the capacity of a local courtroom and a nearby church. Their shared mission in Scottsboro: a commitment to remembrance, a belief that the injustice done the...
Diversity and Its Discontents: A Review of Behind the White Picket Fence
Review Sarah Mayorga-Gallo's Behind the White Picket Fence explores how race, class, and ethnicity shape daily life and power sharing in "Creekridge Park," a pseudonymous multiethnic neighborhood located in Durham, North Carolina. In the early...
African Americans in Atlanta: Adrienne Herndon, an Uncommon Woman
...She was furthering her drama studies and was also escaping Atlanta, a city that had just undergone the worst racial violence in Georgia. In the Atlanta Race Riot of 1906,...
North Carolina Runaway Slave Advertisements Project
...that Quamino is "marked with his Country Marks," or patterns of facial scarification that served as markers of ethnicity and identification.2Of course, physical markings cannot necessarily be correlated with ethnicity...
Along the Ulcofauhatche: Of Sorrow Songs and "Dried Indian Creek"
...know of only one white-authored account. The June 4, 1893, Atlanta Constitution reports that a Mr. W.D. Boggus of Covington has a number of curiosities on display in his place...
Middle Passage Ceremonies and Port Markers Project: Remembering Ancestors
...(Florida holds that distinction). Residents of Fredericksburg, Virginia, long identified with the domestic human trade, recently learned, after MPCPMP presented Eltis's research from the Voyages Database, that their city was...
Writing Appalachia
...with the remarkable number of fine authors whose works had appeared since the book's publication, made that collection feel incomplete. Aware of those gaps, Higgs and Manning, along with scholar...
End of the Pandemic? A Grassroots Perspective
...models because of its non-hierachal emphasis on mutualism rather than models that maintain divisions between givers and receivers. Mutual aid is rooted in reciprocity. Endstate ATL took advantage of these...
Segregation's Habits and Horrors: The Photographs of O. N. Pruitt
...life, and landscape often resembled an album whose intended audience was also its subject. Each town and city seemed to have its acknowledged "picture man" or woman, people such as...