Ireland’s First Sacred Harp Convention: “To Meet To Part No More”
...students soon established a singing at a community art space in downtown Cork called Camden Palace, which quickly attracted non-student participants, some of whom then began attending the UCC singing.10Founded...
Interstate Road Project, Single-State History: Tammy Ingram's Look at the Dixie Highway
...for "Driving Through Time: The Digital Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina," a grant-funded digital, geospatial history collection developed collaboratively with the Carolina Digital Library and Archives, part of the...
Preserving the Memory of Ybor City, Florida atop new Burgert Brothers truck parked by Davis Island pool building, Tampa, Florida, 1936. Catalog no.: PA 5906. In the Tampa Bay area at the turn of the century...
Black Markets and the US-Mexico Border
...Díaz also adopts many of the categories and characterizations of "criminality" generated by government policing agencies.3The historian Paul Gootenberg calls this "talking like a state," which he believes can be...
Oak Ridgidness: Lindsey Freeman’s Longing for the Bomb
...some forced to sleep in their cars, while landlords capitalized on increasingly scarce housing. Ultimately, most residents returned to their former land as tenants and employees of the federal government...
Routes of Reconciliation: Visiting Sites of Cultural Trauma in the US South, Northern Ireland, and South Africa
...and cultural institutions in which Protestants and Catholics work for shared cultural and economic goals. Affirmative action programs require increased Catholic employment as police. South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission...
Rereading Local Color: Bill Hardwig's Upon Provincialism
...distinct communities, geographically isolated peoples" (10). Excepting Thomas Nelson Page and Joel Chandler Harris, this is a South largely free of plantation myths, lost causes, and moonlight and magnolias. A...
Wounds, Vines, Scratches, and Names: Signs of Return in Southern Photography
...They highlight its flow, capturing a present that passes even as the shutter closes. They evoke loss. But because a photograph exists, a former present—now past—can return again and again....
The War the Slaveholders Won: Indian Removal and the State of Georgia
...of Things: Property, Power, and the Transformation of the Creek Indians, 1733–1816 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999), and Black, White, and Indian: Race and the Unmaking of an American Family (Oxford: Oxford University...
Call for Submissions: Queer Intersections / Southern Spaces
Call for Submissions Series title: Queer Intersections / Southern Spaces Series editor: Eric Solomon, PhD Submission deadline: This is an ongoing series. Submission requirements: 350–500 word proposals OR full projects...