Putting the Hospital into Southern Hospitality
...several of the original proprietors had a direct stake the Royal Africa Company, a new monopoly granted by the financially and morally challenged Stuart monarch, Charles II, to make money...
Struggle Against Disease and Discrimination: The Jesse Peel Papers
...of the "Building a Movement in the Southeast: LGBT Collections in MARBL" multimedia exhibit that includes stories and displays artifacts from the LGBT movement, including the AIDS crisis, in Atlanta....
Music, Race, and Representation Post-Katrina: A Review of New Orleans Suite: Music and Culture in Transition
...as productive frameworks for studying cultural production in this post-Katrina city. "To the Ancestors," Guardians of the Flame Arts Society, Harrison family home, Upper Ninth Ward. New Orleans, Louisiana, morning...
A Review of Lawrence N. Powell's The Accidental City: Improvising New Orleans
...how this “accidental city” became one of the most significant urban areas in the Americas. From the beginning, the city’s location caused headaches. After disastrous flooding in 1719, Bienville quickly...
Rethinking the Geography of Lynching
...the lynching spurred African Americans in the city to stage a public protest led by the minister and activist Montrose W. Thornton. These essays bring to light stories of black...
Gulf of Knowledge: The Hidden Scientific History of the Early American Southeast
...continued to do so long after Britain's thirteen colonies became the first United States. Finally, and provocatively, Strang's work demands at least two epistemological shifts. First, we must expand our...
Insistent Traces
...poem "Old Elementary." View poem text here. About Claudia Emerson Claudia Emerson won the 2006 Pulitzer Prize in Poetry for Late Wife. Her books include Figure Studies, Pinion, and Pharoah,...
Mississippi: State of Confession
...of segregation (228). Just as a statue of the Biblical prophet Moses is affixed on the dome of the Jackson, Mississippi, courthouse, the state's religious culture and legal racial apartheid...
Hearing the Call: The Cultural and Spiritual Journey of Rosemary McCombs Maxey
...for a year at Community of Hope, Tulsa's GLBTQ church; as a pastor of various United Church of Christ congregations on the East Coast; and as a person in critical...
An Excerpt from The Lesbian South: Southern Feminists, the Women in Print Movement, and the Queer Literary Canon
...dependent on stolen slave labor. Post-Reconstruction politics did more than rewrite the cause of the Civil War—it also remade the space of the South: Confederate memorial statues were erected, often...