Southwestern Humor: The Beginning of "Grit Lit" barely decipherable, his stories are full of crude reference to whores and excrement, and his disdain for his betters is clearly his main objective. In the opening conversation of...
Six Degrees of Alan Lomax: A Review and Multimedia Excerpts
...Music—a five LP set of reissued Cajun songs recorded between 1928 and 1938. "All anybody had ever heard was the commercially recorded stuff," he expounded. "Our notion of the history...
Sapelo Island Flyover
Video and Essay View the transcript of the video, along with a glossary of terms, here. A barrier island on the Georgia coast, Sapelo has an unusually long and varied...
The Colonialist's Gaze
...suggested that in the on-going process of "Americanization" it might be better if the unfit inhabitants simply "died off." "Plan of Isabela," illustrated town map from Armstrong's notebooks. Image...
Black Lives at Arlington National Cemetery: From Slavery to Segregation
...father of Custis, giving him parental advice that betrayed exasperation over the lackadaisical manner in which the boy pursued his studies. With bequests from the Mount Vernon estate, which included...
"Within Thy Circling Pow'r I Stand": Immersive Video from Sacred Harp's Hollow Square
...square during a break between singing sessions at Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church, Fayette County, Alabama, 2012. Photograph by Andy Ditzler. Courtesy of Andy Ditzler. After trying out the device at...
Envisioning Faulkner and Southern Literature
...(as well as American) literature.8A list partial and incomplete would include James Agee, Dorothy Allison, Raymond Andrews, Maya Angelou, Harriette Arnow, Doris Betts, Arna Bontemps, Olive Ann Burns, George Washington...
Homage to Mississippi John Hurt
...week after I bought it, while it traveled between Herman Wallecki & Sons of Los Angeles and southern Illinois, I dreamed of a guitar so old it had weathered gray...
Memorializing the Freedom Riders
...the plaque a few weeks later. Sometimes, the very existence of places requires memory. And, ironically, the city's economic future may depend on acknowledging this racially violent past, says Betsy...
Murray Mountain, North Carolina
...not safe. So we're the first to agree that it needed to be built. Generally speaking, I think, it will be better as far as commuting for traffic, but the...