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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Beyond Fairyland: Writing and Curating Queer Miami

...deployment of "queer as an analytical tool" with "which to understand contested meanings of nation, race, belonging, and citizenship" in Greater Miami from the 1890s until 1940.1See Julio Capó Jr.,...

Katrina, One Year Later: Three Perspectives

...looks at the larger-scale Gulf Coast landscape in the wake of Katrina. He photographs in black-and-white with a 4x5-inch view camera, which requires great patience but yields extremely sharp and...

A Conversation with Digital Historians

...purpose, content-agnostic software packages like Zotero and Omeka. We’ve used Omeka once or twice on different things, and that’s a great piece of software. It’s very easy to use and...

Moore's Ford Lynching Reenactment

...Take Highway 11 North all the way to Monroe. (Follow the instructions as outlined above.) Note: If you pass Church’s Chicken you have gone too far. Church Telephone Number 770-267-5819...